User 88674124

Last week some users were already saying “maybe Pioli is not that bad” lmao. We’ve been in this loop for 2 years now and nothing will change.
I dont agree and Pioli is far away from being a hero this season.Im not judging him based on results, im judging him based on the way we play, because no matter the result our performances are the same: unorganised and inconsistent.He gives way too much freedom to the players, and that's something he admitted himself, at least indirectly.This can work if you have Real Madrid-level players and even then you're gonna run into some trouble when you face organised teams. His approach worked for some time, he gave us our first scudetto in a long time and we should be thankful for that, but ever since then he has been punching above his weight.He wants to play offensive possesion-based football but doesn't have the knowledge for that, our midfield is nowhere to be found because he throws every player forward, leaving no option other than playing long balls most of the times, instead of trying to build from te back.He should just stick to playing classic terrorball, defend and counter-attack, because that's the only tactic he can excel at.However, we dont have the players to play that type of football and that's precisely why we should part ways with him, his ideas (if there are any) are no longer a good fit for us and he can't use our players properly.As long as he's our coach we wont see any improvements and we'll continue to be incosistent, because our playstyle depends solely on how our players are feeling that day. We can do worse than Pioli but we can also do much much better.He recieved a better squad than last season but his tactics haven't improved so it's time to say goodbye. Just having a manager with a clear idea of how we wants to play would already be an upgrade.Just look at how much better Motta's Bologna plays compared to us despite having less valuable players in all positions except striker.And that's just one example of a manager which is not only better, but also very likely to replace Pioli.
You lads are quite literally carbon copies of Man U fans. Using Pioli as a scapegoat. If Pioli doesnt rotate when he has 3 games in a 7 day span hes the reason players get injured, if he does he doesn't value the game. If we win he's a hero, if we lose he's the reason. They did the same things when Ole was managing, and now their bald fraud has yet to even match Ole let alone exceed. Y'all were screaming "RinoOut" and then we got Giampaolo turn us into the laughing stock of the league. Your so-called "tacticians" will turn us to shit. There's VERY few managers who could match Pioli's output with this roster, let alone exceed it.
It becomes fair as far as we keep Pioli so don’t worry
agree with simic but gabbia has been rlly solid since his return
Pioli calling back gabbia from loan just to cut simic confidence, awful decision. Actually gabbia as a backup is good, even kjaer but i would prefer to play someone like simic so he can grow playing this kind of matches even if he makes some mistakes. For 2nd time i would put jovic instead of giroud.
This guy is actually really good, his passing stats are crazy underrated +10 long pass and +7 short all his stats are a joke.
Many people thought that Tonali was going to be the new Pirlo but let me tell you that here we have real the new Pirlo, our boy, our John wick
Pioli should finish the season as you don't want to destroy Abate's career before it has even started, but we need a new coach. Pioli is out of ideas and he cannot construct a winning midfield. Games are won and lost in the midfield and it's an area we never control. The only reason pioli has a scudetto to his name is because we had a midfield of Tonali, Kessie, and Bennacer. Recruitment has failed in replacing Tonali and Kessie. I like Reijnders, but we need more I'd like to see us keep Bennacer, Reijnders, RLC (I'd like someone better to start over RLC) and Pobega and add Ricci and Colpani. Pioli has been awful this season and Pobega looked really good at Torino so I'd give him a chance under the new coach Musah, Adli aren't good enough. RLC is a bench option
i wasn't talking about you specifically, but in general i see a lot of dudes going crazy over jovic every time he does an half decent match. but yeah, milan definitely needs a striker, probably more than us
i never gassed jovic up and i’ve called giroud a bum for 2 years, jovic can stay but as a backup but giroud (esp when pioli chooses to start him every game) needs to go
Jovic got no service from the midfield tonight
i don't think that my heart can handle thiago motta with a milan badge on his chest but he started hating us out of nowhere this year so i'm prepared for any eventuality
De Zerbi is quite impossible imo, even though he should be a Milan supporter Italiano is a Pioli 2.0 Motta is definitely the best option after De Zerbi
Ur not a hater of pioli? We’ve all been there give it time😂
I’m not a hater of Pioli but he isn’t understanding anything. At the same time it wouldn’t be smart to sack him now. It’s better to arrive at the end of the season with Pioli and then start a new project with Thiago Motta, who’s perfect considering the current squad and how the board works.
Horrible game today, no gameplan and a lot of bad choices from Pioli.Unfortunately we're not inter so we can't steal our way out of a bad game.
Nah, i dont think that's a clear pen.The real robbery is done by Pioli, stealing the joy of watching football.
You have to start supporting the other team from Milano if you want this type of pens given boys
Joshua Zirkzee thread✨🇳🇱
There are people out there who genuinely believe that Tomori is a bad footballer and that Milan play better without him. He's like a football IQ test you can gauge how much someone know about the game just off of their opinion on him.
RLC isnt bad at all, lets be real
our 3 main cb's are dead
This "Maldini would've fired Pioli" thing always makes me laugh, he renewed Pioli's contract until 2025 at 4M/year when he still had almost a whole season left on his old one (and we know what happened in the second half of last season), good luck getting rid of his wages when the budget is already limited, then pay another manager that has to be better than him (= more expensive). We could've had a new manager this year without spending much and it would've been completely different without that big renewal. The star player they sold is banned for a year btw
So perfect for us
Padre tempo ⏰
Milan don’t have the squad depth rn he’d come come in and be the backup rb for the rest of the season if he does good he’ll get more than enough game time cause calabria is catching up to Father Time
not hard
better than calabriass
He's a RWB/RB/CB and yet for some reason EA has him as RM/CM
5M euros ...
There goes my boy ..
Better than calabria
Doesn't even have RB as a position on fifa that's so odd
Welcome to Ac Milan ‘Pippo’ / ‘Terry’ ❤️🖤 Many have tried to lay hold of Calabria’s spot (Dalot, Dest, Conti, Florenzi) but always succumbed to injuries or favouritism. Could he be the one to break this chain of events? ⚔️
only 5 mil no way
For clarity, seems it's 4.5+1M bonus. Nothing changes, still a bargain
massive businesse from milan as always
Left footed centre back overhype incoming.
Fake news of Milan trying to buy him like we could spend 50M easily
We have to loan him everywhere and sell him for 15M whenever possible icl
psg fan is total retard, dont mind him
Good and reliable. He used to be a great offensive b2b and attacking utility player (LM CAM CM in fifa roles) and that’s why he was signed from Empoli. He later developed into more of a stabilizer anchoring DM since the last year and a half utility player as well (played CB recently.) His qualities are his sense of teamwork and imo he has underrated passing abilities. He also positions himself well on the pitch imo. In both phases His weaknesses are error proneness but it may have to do with the fact he is consistently moved all over the pitch. I think he is a bit too slow and has limited dribbling abilities. Also recently he looked scared on ball like not too brave or inspired to make things happen (this might have to do with his DM role and instructions) but even at CAM he didn’t have that flashy difference maker move (this has to do with the fact that Pioli wanted like a defensive CAM lmao this guy has ideas. But it also mean imo that he must have space in front of him and not played too much back to goal (he isn’t really press resistant neither in defensive phase wich holds to my point)). In a team like Fener he could get back to this level of offensive efficiency not overshadowed by high ego. I would think his best role is CM in a 3 or free volante in a pivot. He could thrive with movement around him and ball carrier next to him. I would dare to compare him in some ways to a less good Ajax VDB (one of my fav player ever) in Empoli and at the beginning here (clever but not flashy). And imo he should be this type of player (even though âge might make him a bit slow for that). Today he is the lambda holding DM but imo that’s not the best version of him Overall he has became a meme player for us and you could guess why (ok at everything flashy at nothing plus the fact he is Pioli Toxic lover) but I liked his path with us and hope he can do well.
He has always been gifted. He is a special player that require the system to be built around him. I don’t want him back for this reason and also cause I don’t like him as a person. But the player is great undoubtedly and it’s only logical to see him doing so well now at Atalanta. I want the 30M to be given to us so that we move on. But yeah CDK as a player is special and very enjoyable to watch afaic
again giroud starts? pioli is insane
Traoré is more professional than Leao
Started every game this season. He’s been so important for us
We should all appreciate Tijjani Reijnders Damnnn bro how good and underrated of a player he is
I don't mean to be biased but I think he should be a 90/95
Francesco Camarda will need 90 pot once he is out EA
Inter benefited too much on Juventus account. So at least to me Juventus is way more likable than Inter. Not that I like them neither, but if I have to choose, I'd much rather see Juventus win the league than Inter
Well, the Romero statement couldnt be further from truth so far, but he's young so it has the potential to change. RLC and Kessie have different roles so i think it's pointless to compare them and you can also make the argument that a Kessie type of player would be more useful than RLC rn, but that can get sorted out in the next transfer window. Other than that i agree.
secretley love ur team bois, milan my second fav club :)
my boy watched giroud play and said enough of this shit
he can rescue his career even mutu managed to somewhat rescue his career after being coke positive at chelsea if this guy aint doing drugs, he already on the right path
Man, we need to talk about our number 15 He came in at the last minutes of the Mercatto, patiently waiting for us to come for him. After a rather poor last seasons, very few trusted on him, and at the start of the season he even proved doubters right (I don't think he was that bad, just kinda unlucky). But then, he trained his ass off like no one else to get on point with the team, and as soon as he got a minimal chance, he started performing and scoring goals, some of them really important, winning us points which might end up being crucial at the end of the season I don't know for how long he will keep this form, but for any decent coach he should be the starter over Giroud who, as much as I love and respect him, time has already catched up to him, but sadly our coach is an incompetent man who lives off from a good season being carried by Zlatan. Hopefully this won't be just a purple patch, put rather a new start for a great player who had poor career choices Anyways, La Suora is back ✨
To think we were close to sign him in summer on a loan with otb for only 5 million... Good for him we didn't tho, he'd probably be locked in Pioli's vault right now
Add Alex Jimenez, Zeroli and Jan-Carlo Simic!!
joviv starter no more giroud