User 88674124

This summer when the clown we have as a sporting director will buy useless players for 20M each
Milan will never get him
Milan management will buy trash players by selling the star players
Let’s add Loftus-Cheek at the list of useless shit players our smart board splashed money on. He played well something like 4-5 matches and he’s been a ghost in all the others, he can’t even use his body and physicality to do something useful. Musah as I always said is a disgrace for football but someone here saw 2-3 dribblings and a lot of useless runs and fell instantly in love with him. Reijnders is very good, smart signing but misused by Pioli, even if it’s not that easy to find a way to use our nonsense midfield made by offensive and ineffective box to box players. Chukweze has been very poor for now and we splashed 28M for him, last year Maldini and Massara were being mocked for more or less the same price spent on CDK. Pulisic has been surprisingly effective for now but he’s another unreliable player who plays well a match and he’s a ghost the other one. Jovic isn’t a solo striker, he can’t play as a target man alone, so wrong signing again. And let’s talk about Tonali and Krunic. We sold Tonali and decided not to invest in a proper CDM, trying to adapt Krunic in that position and refusing to sell him because he was considered crucial for our starting XI, and we sell him in January LOL That’s just amateur level planning, we have a board of amateurs and they’re ruining our team. You have to finally accept it.
What a bad time to be a Milan fan!! Clueless coach, useless players: Musha, RLC, chukuweze, broke and insufficient management, running the whole team. Management is stacking up with useless players with selling their star player money and creating more gaps on team to fufill (ex: no decent cdm still). Well, atleast Maldini would have solved one problem by firing the coach but our owner thought " why not ruin the team while i can."
You're still wrong
It's easier to perform in a slower league. He's been class so far, but best itw is a push imo.
mira pedazo de anormal, con Brahim no te metas payaso, ha aprovechado todas sus oportunidades y es un jugador muy bueno, dejó Milan siendo su jugador mas importante para venir a comer banca en Madrid en el principio, pero se ha ganado el corazón de todos los madridistas. cosa que dudo que seas.
Please leave our team, also for free.
Quite overhyped, he's not ready for high levels.
You barely watched him play twice and you already think you're entitled to say Simic is so talented, I wonder why youngsters struggle to grow in Italy...
Without Pioli i bet Milan would have still been a mid table Serie A side. I still remember that transfer season where Milan bought Ricardo Rodriguez, Chellini, Kalinic and all of them flopped hard
Pioli nearly made you see the UCL after a decade,made into UCL semis last season,Won the Scudetto and now you want him out after getting knocked out of the UCL death group only by GD?? Milan fans should humble themselves, your players aren't elite and your integral player Tonali left last season. And this Milan team arent as strong as one in the last season
A lineup with Musah, Florenzi and Calabria can't even compete in UEL. Pioli made some mistakes but the whole squad is too overrated.
Bro's getting angry ahahah
This made me laugh. Show some respect to the best lb in the world!
Because they are used to overrate him af, while he has a lot of defensive weaknesses.
And you would defend every move. The problem is I haven’t yet mistaken once since I started to criticize our new board, so probably I am quite objective
In imbarazzo dovrebbero sentirsi i tifosi del Milan che pensano che vada bene, dopo la crescita grandiosa che abbiamo fatto per 3 anni, ritrovarsi punto e a capo ad aver distrutto lo spirito di una squadra, a perdere un big ogni estate e a regredire gradualmente per tornare ad essere quella squadretta che siamo stati per 8 anni, quella che festeggiava le qualificazioni in Europa League. Ma ti rendi conto che tifi il Milan? Ti rendi conto di dove Boban, Maldini, Massara e ci metto anche Gazidis e Pioli hanno preso questa squadra e cosa sono riusciti a fare sia sul piano sportivo che finanziario? Hanno fatto un capolavoro. Tutto buttato nel cesso in un'estate (e mettiamoci anche nei 6 mesi da gennaio in poi). Lo capisci che questa società non ha alcun interesse a vincere nulla? Lo capisci che appena sarà chiaro a tutti i giocatori i migliori se ne andranno verso lidi più ambiziosi? Tu pensi che Leao, Theo e Mike vogliano giocare in una squadra il cui presidente ha come obiettivo massimo quello di arrivare nei primi 4 posti come un Lotito qualunque? La rosa è completamente sbagliata, altro che profonda. Abbiamo un allenatore che ormai da tempo ha perso parte del gruppo e non riesce più a fare quanto di buono faceva prima, abbiamo solo mezzali offensive che non fanno filtro, nessun mediano, nessun sostituto di Theo, nessuna punta valida a parte un 37enne, nessuna alternativa di livello se manca Leao. Abbiamo comprato, anzi, HANNO comprato una marmaglia di mezzi giocatori che presi singolarmente sarebbero anche buoni o discreti ma non hanno alcun senso se messi in campo assieme perchè le loro caratteristiche non si sposano. Vi hanno comprati così come hanno comprato quelle merde della Curva Sud con un po' di luccichii, tanti acquisti, tanti proclami vuoti e voi avete abboccato e ancora ci state dietro nel frattempo che i risultati sono evidenti sotto gli occhi di tutti. L'ho detto questa estate che Pioli sarebbe stato il capro espiatorio di tutti i problemi, ora pure gli infortuni. La verità è che il pesce puzza dalla testa quando è marcio. P.S. quasi dimenticavo la considerazione sul "come abbiamo vinto lo scudetto". Pensavo di leggerla solo dagli interisti ma non dovrei stupirmi di nulla ormai, siete lobotomizzati come i tifosi della Roma con Mourinho. Lo scudetto l'abbiamo vinto meritando e alla grande, giocando un gran calcio e perchè eravamo la squadra migliore e più organizzata, oltre che quella che ci credeva di più e avremmo vinto anche prima se non avessero dato più di una mano all'inter con un sacco di episodi dubbi
Italian fan speaking, wanna talk about the millions of debt that every one of your clubs has? And the dirty business they have been doing for years?
yes exactly, they earn 200 m pounds just from the tv.
Premier clubs don't ruin the market, they earn a lot of money, which is because of the beautiful league. They don't set the prices, market adjusts itself.
More than anything I think his terrible form serves as a warning for english clubs not to buy players from serie a, it's easily the most fraudulent league in Europe apart from Turkey and France, if Rasmus Hojlund is considered a freak in Serie A, then it scares me to even think about what an EFL championship striker like Adam Armstrong could do in that league, ultimately Rasmus has been exposed as a fraud 72/78
How can you be that blind? Have you read the interview? Have you red the behavior of Cardinale, Scaroni, Furlani? Have you read Maldini and Massara were asked to win the CL, they prepared for months a plan for that keeping an eye on sustainability and NOBODY EVEN ANSWERED?
Everybody blaming Pioli and ignoring the nonsense mercato we made this summer because their boyfriend Furlani is untouchable
So, still everyone ignoring the great mercato we made this summer or you’re starting to realize I was right all the time? Probably you still use Pioli and the injuries as your alibi, I am sure about that. I really really wish we sack Pioli now for the main reason to read what would be your next scapegoat for ignoring the clown board we have. But hey, our mighty president Scaroni reflects what are the great ambitions of our board and Cardinale now: to participate, we don’t want to win come on it would be boring if we’d win everytime, our goal is to reach the 4th place in order to get money
I have a very serious question for all who want Pioli out. I won't try to convince you of the absurdity and folly of sacking him right now, but we can at least agree on this : if he is sacked, it has to be worth it, meaning, Pioli has to be replaced by a manager who, to quote some of you, "would take us to the next level" (whatever that means), so a top manager. Therefore my question is : who is that man who not only is a top class manager, but also available right now, affordable for our budget, and who's playing style would suits our players ? As you are all toughful and wise, I'm sure you have an answer to that obvious question.
Please just get Conte
He said what I've been saying for months already. Whoever thought Maldini was a problem and Cardinale/Furlani/Scaroni and all the shit people we have as a board will bring us anywhere good is simply stupid
I hope some of Maldini's words will finally light some of your obfuscated minds. Fuck off whoever supports these idiots we have as a board. They will bring us directly back to banter era and you're helping them
avatar All of you Furlani and Cardinale fans must be so happy
It's not a bias, he is confusionary, he often is out of position and he's awful in passing and technical abilities, he is extremely raw.
Sì ma il problema è che è un anno ormai che non si vede più uno straccio di gioco e di crescita nella squadra, aggiungici gli evidenti malumori che stanno iniziando a venire fuori dopo ogni partita e capisci che la situazione è tutt'altro che rosea. Abbiamo fatto punti è vero, ma siamo ottavi o noni per occasioni create, significa che è un trend preoccupante e che difficilmente sarà sostenibile a lungo. Io ho sempre difeso Pioli e credo sia un ottimo allenatore che a tratti è stato straordinario, ha fatto un capolavoro nei primi 3 anni qui al Milan, però al giorno d'oggi credo sia evidente che non sta più apportando un valore aggiunto alla squadra. Poi non è l'unico responsabile perchè gran parte del problema è una dirigenza folle che ha operato una rivoluzione non necessaria quest'estate e un mercato scoppiettante ma confusionario e lacunoso, che ovviamente ora scarica tutte le colpe sul mister. Bisogna riuscire ad arrivare a fine stagione con Pioli e poi bisogna a malincuore cambiare, perchè altrimenti rischiamo di perdere pure i pochi giocatori veramente forti che abbiamo in estate
yeah while Maldini could only buy Bennacer for 16M, Theo for 20, Maignan for 16... What a masterclass by Furlani to throw 100M in the bin except for 20 for an inconsistent player like Pulisic... We made a shit mercato, that's my issue with him. He is not even someone who was working in sport management, he is a nobody with ZERO knowledge of the game and this is clear if you watch who we bought. Pulisic is ok, Chukweze maybe, Loftus ok and Reijnders ok. Stop. We are clearly not better than last year and Pioli is giving even less than last year
With a proper sport director, not with Furlani
not tryna hate on yall just stating facts: overrated as fuck. kobel is clear. having an injury prone keeper is kinda funny
85 at most.
Why dont they pack up and close their shit club then? 🤡 Because your supposed to keep being good which they aren’t
His will wasn't to leave, again
Don’t be mad the prem is doing well, be mad that the owners of la liga, serie a and the bundasliga let their leagues fall behind
is he better as CM or CDM? Tonali was better as CDM tho
He almost looked like a football player today
Scam of the season
Vendimos a este muerto por 20M y lo cambiamos por Pepelu por 5M
And that is why serie ass is the worst top league in Europe
Not that much, and it’s Cagliari
You saw those two playing well against a team which is basically null both for pressing and for attacking schemes, that’s the problem
I didn't like neither the firing of Massara and Maldini, nor Tonali's departure and I think we have made an average mercato. We made an unnecessary revolution and we have still big holes in our team, we spent a lot of money, bought some useless players paying them too much and we have still to rely on Giroud who is 37, we don't have a decent Theo sub, we are gonna play with Krunic the whole year playing out of position. I'm not positive at all about this season.
Tonali is literally the kind of player we need now in our midfield.
This midfield won't work (same problem than the actual one) and Bennacer CDM would be (imo) a waste of his qualities.
We're buying injury prone players hoping they won't get injured and revive their career. That's not what we should have done. I have ZERO faith in this new board, there isn't a clear path, we're just getting what we can get and hope they will work. Still isn't clear even what kind of formation we'll use. We bought Pulisic in order to let him play where? On the right? Why we are still following Chukweze then? We want him to play as a CAM in a 4231? We didn't buy a single DM, only a box to box midfielder incapable of defending. Confusion everywhere.
It can happen sadly, the board can speak to you and letting you know that money would be really helpful for the squad building and what are you supposed to do? Of course you can refuse everything and stay where you are but there isn't even Maldini anymore, there isn't anyone to protect you or to talk to (only Pioli who is probably the next one who will be sacked)
Nope, he couldn't
A lot of people will disagree with me about us going back to the banter era, but I'm not feeling hopeful at all with the direction the club is going to take from now on, I feel like RedBird will either manage the club like it's Monaco and aim only for top 4 every year, or they'll try to maximise profit as much as possible and the club will crumble and start finishing 8th or 9th again. The latest signings are mostly decent (besides Loftus-Cheek and not bringing Kamada mainly), but I don't feel like we improved enough, if we even did and the team isn't actually on the same level, the best path this window was having a significant transfer budget to bring a couple of players to make an impact, and selling Tonali or another valuable player to help fund all the signings the team needed, but the owners determined a smaller transfer budget and signed a lot of role players mostly. I'm just really frustrated by everything that happened in the last month, I hope these owners don't destroy the club
The return of the banter era
Without joking I would take Ferran
Wants to become Prem Proven… W Joining a club much bigger than any club in the Bayernliga or La Farma
Musah younger plays in a better league and is more proven? How’s spending 20 million on This guy better? Especially coming from the eredivsie
Neither, let Dortmund seal the Dane, give Pobega reasonable playtime and if possible, try to lure Kessie back if he would accept a pay cut. There are teams like Inter or Atletico, that outmuscle Milan literally at the midfield, so in such instances, no more Tonali and Bennacer at the same time, despite the fact that they are world class players.