
I don't get why Leao is treated like if he was the biggest piece of shit on earth, especially in Italian media He has always put football as his main focus, never had any problem outside of the pitch, never got into any discussion with his superiors, has a great relationship with his teammates and has always declared his love and devotion for the club The only reason he hasn't become a star yet is the piece of shit he had as a manager. Vinicius before Ancelotti was a nobody, same as Salah with Klopp, Odegaard/Saka with Arteta, KDB with Guardiola, etc
Well he is a fraud and an awful manager
Man. I don't know...maybe you're over-sensitive because, besides calling you a midget (which ok maybe It was too harsh) i haven't said anything rude and disrespectful to you personally. Your words "I just wanted to throw out what i had known + read about the situation" And I'm telling you that what you read is a very popular and biased narrative that minimize Juve wrongdoings and try to put Inter's and other teams faults on their same level. It's a very common defensive/rethorical strategy: "all guilty no one guilty". But there's a huge difference between the acts and the levels of responsability of people trying to adapt and live within a fucked up system and the acts of those who established it. So what i'm telling you is: if Juve got away with just a relegation, and Milan with a few points penalty, it's almost sensibile that Inter was untouched. It's somewhat proportional. For Inter and other teams to get relegated you had to proportionally have a way worse punishment for the "main" duo of culprits.
Give up buddy, just realize you are supporting a cheat club at its core!
"a guy called Guido Rossi" Guido Rossi was one of the most respected and experienced law theorist/philosopher, jurist of post-war Italy. A "guy" who taught law and ethics at Harvard (very few Italians reached that level) and whose books were read by American and Britain philosophers of law and jurists. That's how brilliant his reputation was. I know that because my father is a milanese lawyer and studied under him and he always had the utmost respect for the "guy". It's a funny thing about "open societies" that the the reputation of giants like Guido Rossi can be questioned by midgets like you. And that's everything I have to say on the matter. "nter had their faults like milan and juve, but were gone unpunished and gifted their first scudetto since 89 and then signing juve’s best players, these are not bullshits that are invented" Yes. Sure. Keep telling yourself that. I can't care less. I've already stated that, with a proper investigation, Inter would have been relegated because they went along the crooked system at some point...but things went the way they went (a rushed sentencing...) because a proper investigation and a in depth trial...would have lead to Juventus and Milan being not just relegated but radiated (or something very close to that) for having manipulated and rigged the system – in order to establish a lucrative duopoly – for years prior to 2006. People who have to know how things really were and went... they know it. Don't worry. That's why no verdict was ever over-ruled. BYE.
What you don’t realize is Milan is planning to do a Tonali deal with Theo ( sell one big star player for a huge fee ) and then rebuild other positions with that money. Miranda will start next season
I'm happy we won, but it's a bittersweet victory as that means the bald fuck will stay
Just sack the bald guy, please
Newcastle have a better team on paper, even a blind man can see that. You think that Chelsea rejects FC are better? They play in Serie A, fucking Smalling was Maldini there, literally every Premier League failure does well in Italy.
Can you F read? The way the deal is structured is a fucking joke don't care if no one ask for him you don't accept this kind of deal. The only reason they want to is because they need money after wasting big time on RLC and Musah. We hadn't seen a worse transfer since the other FM (fassone Mirabelli), last year we made no transfer (cause the property couldn't decide: they renewed M&M after a month without money just to fire them a year later). We started the summer without: a bennacer type of player, a proper RW and a striker; of this we got only a RW the midfield is the worst we had since the kucka times, the attack is good enough once Okafor recovers (cause of course he is injured) but we still lack a Giroud backup (like hell Colombo will get minutes under the bald man, also CDK played better in that position alongside lang) and if I may we should seriously check on the defense cause Calabria Florenzi Kalulu are not the best selection of RB
LOL the worst you mean? He hasn't scored in Serie A for 2 years and has often played as an attacking midfielder, in Champions League he missed a goal into an empty net against Chelsea, he makes serious mistakes in every match when setting up
I'm a Milan fan and this is a real shitty player, he plays because he's able to cover different positions but he doesn't do any of them well... he often makes mistakes in setting up, he misses clear opportunities in attack, let's hope Fenerbahce buys him!!!
Well none of your midfielder signings are pure cdm so without bennacer you're pretty much fruucked And yes kalulu his money is better than him The 2 other cb's could prove more useful
The return of the banter era
A lot of people will disagree with me about us going back to the banter era, but I'm not feeling hopeful at all with the direction the club is going to take from now on, I feel like RedBird will either manage the club like it's Monaco and aim only for top 4 every year, or they'll try to maximise profit as much as possible and the club will crumble and start finishing 8th or 9th again. The latest signings are mostly decent (besides Loftus-Cheek and not bringing Kamada mainly), but I don't feel like we improved enough, if we even did and the team isn't actually on the same level, the best path this window was having a significant transfer budget to bring a couple of players to make an impact, and selling Tonali or another valuable player to help fund all the signings the team needed, but the owners determined a smaller transfer budget and signed a lot of role players mostly. I'm just really frustrated by everything that happened in the last month, I hope these owners don't destroy the club
Seeing this guy (he is for sure good, buy not world class level) getting so much hyped from italian medias shows how Serie A Is slowly dying
So bennacer will be out for 6 months and now that tonali is gone.. And pioli is our coach we will for sure finish 10th in the league next season and for champions league we will be last in our group bcz of being without a solid midfielder.. Huge Thanks to Cardinale for ruining the team.. MF!!
Chiesa is clear of both kvara and leao
normal keeper, overhyped, he does his job well but not world class
He was a villain before scudetto, he just got lucky
"theres not much we can do"....from the captain give the armband to Tonali or Theo
Better than modric ever was. Dosen't need a ballondor to prove himself
KDB > Modric. I'm saying it. Both are some of the best CMs of all time but KDB is simply better. Not that I'm meat riding him but only reason people say Modric is better is because KDB plays for City.
KDB > Modric. I'm saying it. Both are some of the best CMs of all time but KDB is simply better. Not that I'm meat riding him but only reason people say Modric is better is because KDB plays for City.
No need to even care about this result. Referee helped them to this victory. Their first goal should never count and we should have at least one more minute of extra time in the end. We deserved at least a draw from this match. Move on to the next now.
Pioli out, please
Milan are average, so are Inter; Lazio beat Milan 4-0 and Inter 3-1 yet you're on all the same level the table proves it. Napoli have been far better stop talking nonsense, maybe next time don't lose to Sassuolo, Fiorentina, Udinese & Lazio if you want to be in a title race.
Correct Turkey should have won. If Referee whistled normally Turkey had 2 penalties and Croatia red. Turkey was much better only keeper and defense made mistakes. Livakovic Goalkeeper was super, stopped everything and they had good passes without many mistakes, but you see that Turkey is much fitter younger. Too bad Hakan Calhanoglu was injured.
We're literally dead. Against Napoli will be a massacre.
The Napoli and Roma sides we competed with on our winning streak would absolutely destroy your scudetto winning joke of a team. And you know it, you just won’t admit it.
Made one post about Milan and Inter lucky draw and the entire Milan fanbase came crying under it. Ofc as a PSG fan I know we suck and we did bad again this year but we were unlucky to get Bayern. Simply stating that Milan and Inter have had it easy and that is a fact. Its insane that one of Napoli, Inter and Milan are almost guaranteed to make it to the final. Milan and Inter are simply terrible. None of these teams are playing good football and thats a fact. PSG has issues but we are still better than Milan and Inter.
MLS is clear of the Croatian league cry
Got a taste of the PL levels tonight.
Sack pioli he’s a shit coach not good tactically and has some of the worst subs I’ve ever seen a coach make. He’s wasting the potentials of leao, cdk, tonali, etc. he only knows how to coach center backs
In fact, there are actually people calling him world class and similar stuff. Just read these posts that I took from delusional Milan supporters below. “ If rating was based in form he could be 89 no joke, so fucking good at everything” “ If all ratings were changed based on current form then he would be 87 rated” “ This guy is unbelievable, he plays like a world class CB with years of experience at the top, pocketed Kane too. Incredible how good he is at such a young age.” He clearly isn’t anywhere near as good as people make him out to be. Also your argument about him playing for the current champions of Italy is completely useless. Milan’s championship winning team last season was probably the worst team to win the league for I don’t even know how long. Milan is literally the 6th best team in the country at the moment.
Not as special as people make him out to be.
85/90 and he is staying, why would he leave to anywhere else?! he is italian, he is young and in a team where he can achieve anything and is loved by amazing fans! whatelse would anyone like him want?
Thiaw with a massive performance and I am right as per usual, been saying for ages that Pioli has 0 ability to judge players level.... He could have the next Messi in the bench and wouldnt give him a single minute until Brahim or Messias got injured
Is this what Milan has become? That they have waited for a 41 year old former star with a bad knee to come back and save us, i dont even have the words for how embarrassing and pathetic it is... Have some shame and delete your comment
Pioli is done man what a fraud
Every coach is better than pioli
Pioli decision making was retarded, what a terrible tactician. Nothing other than pace and press, we are lucky these Serie A teams play with less intensity than sunday league teams otherwise we would miss out on UCL
1 more injury and Maignan should be sold to a prem club. replacement Livakovic
Biggest club in Italy but football casuals will tell you otherwise.
Most Trophies: Juventus Most Supporters: Juventus Most Wealthy: Juventus Most players contributed to the Italy NT: Juventus People who know nothing about Italian football won't know any of this or choose to ignore it.
Only CLs that's it.
I can taste the salt in your tears. Stop it. And if you wanna say these 3 players are cunts. Then you're braised because Mbappe and Theo are the biggest cunts in football world. Bigger than Ramos.
alex sandro> theo
That’s clearly a penalty
avatar This was a clear penalty. Cry.
Lmao those salty downvotes are funny. The pic is showing a HUGE penalty and you're all still butthurt.
Wow I didn't realise Serie A football was this far behind smh. Hope you guys can catch up with the prem in the next ten years. Its not even just the scoreline, it's the way the teams play. Italian teams look about ten years behind tactically speaking
I hate americans but he’s right, giroud is the most overrated player at this world cup
3-0 Into my veinsssssss ✅🔥🔥🔥🔥
you slavs frauded your way to the semis and to the final in 2018 pipe down
Has the body, misses the brain
awful defender
probably one of the most embarrassing things letting a 5’4 gremlin do you like that in the box 😭😭😭😭