
Just shows what Dyche can do with a better team than that Burnley squad, Everton players gave Liverpool no time or space on the ball, won every ariel duel, and the boys just looked gassed and out of confidence at this stage. Fair play to Everton, they wanted it more. This Liverpool team needs a serious shake-up to compete next season
when the players need a huge wake up, we receive a smile by Klopp. He made the right decision to leave
his tactics became outdated and he is too loyal to his players. Will always love him but I am 100 % certain it is time to go
Well said, completely agree, some fans not putting enough respect on Klopps name for doing what he has done as well, but a realist would say maybe too lenient or trustworthy on certain players. Hopefully next manager will recognise quicker if certain things dont work, Keita in particular was criminal at times
Saw this on reddit and thought I should share it here, as on average you lot have more ball knowledge. --- Klopp is leaving at the right time, he's completely burnt out and it shows. New manager, new ideas, new tactics is exactly what this team needs to give it a kick up the arse. Klopp will forever be the GOAT, but there's always a right time to leave, and it's now.
not even in disguise atp
Ngl Klopp leaving at the end of the season might actually be a blessing in disguise
Plan A or bust. Yeah Klopp's time is over, he's leaving at the right time.
the truth is that klopp looks exhausted with no ideas he doesn't dare to use a different system now i realise it's the perfect time for him to go and there's a total rebuild, and i can't believe this guy szbo looked like kdb regen in the bundesliga and now he looks like tom davies ffs.
Jones needs the U23 treatment for a while...
Bruh let the league go already we bottled it
We have the quality to make the game easy for us, yet we never do it
He’ll do great under Amorim. Robbo has been injured, and the system has not played him to his strengths. Robbo is one of the best fullbacks in the league going forwards, and he will look a lot better in a wingback system.
No one gives attention to it but he is the most important player for real madrid the backbone ,the engine of our team 🐐🔥
Anyone complaining about the Saka penalty shout, Bayern should've gotten another penalty when Gabriel collected the ball with his hand bc he thought the game didn't continue yet. The referee admitted that it was a handball but he said "I can't punish a young player like this in a quarterfinal" and that's why he didn't give it ...
why did bro pick the ball up with his hand? He is lucky, the ref didnt call it a pen
67th Minute, Bayern 2-1 up, referee blows the whistle for raya to execute the goal kick. He passes the ball to Gabriel who collects it with his hand and passes it back to Raya. Clear penalty, but the referee doesn't give it bc he doesn't "want to punish a kid in a quarterfinal". Are you kidding me? This would've been 3-1 for Bayern and game over. Also the Saka situation would not have happened then, so stop asking for a penalty.
We're not binning Gakpo for a fucking Championship player
Nothing on Kelleher he’s a possession keeper and took up a good position to receive from Quansah
I want to know why Konate was declared fit enough to play against Sheffield United then benched against Man United for Quansah, who granted is still very good, shouldn't be prioritised over Ibou in big games. Also Quansah had an absolute howler too and what the fuck is up with Kelleher playing so high up? Even Alisson doesn't go that high. Bradley's run in the team comes to an end now I think, he has been too quiet and too ineffective in these past few games. I'd start Gomez at RB until Trent comes back and then start Trent. Dom has got to get his form back because he has been poor and Salah has been horrific since coming back from this international break.
Yeah, Darwin couldn't against him, absolutely fucking embarrassing
Mighty liverpool against the Top 6 2/6 vs Man City 1/6 vs Arsenal 0/3 vs Tottenham 3/3 vs Aston Villa 2/6 vs United That’s 16 points lost with 2 more games left. We even drew against Chelsea and Luton. If we lose the league it’s our fault
avatar Biggest joke I’ve ever seen, the man has been a ghost since he started fasting
avatar Literally every time I saw a counter-attack I knew they were going to fuck up.
its just not the form of champions tbh. we haven't beaten any of the teams we are in the title race in the league this season. unless we count newcastle and aston villa
Don’t deserve to win the league if you bottle it against the worst United team in modern history 3 times in one season
Arsenal have an incredible tight unit in defence and if they win the title it’ll be because of that. It’s like the early 2000s when they had that famous backline.
This turned into a KDB statpad session very quickly
even from tactical perspective it would make much more sense to have someone who provides width and can cross a ball
Just get him off, I don't understand what goes through his head.
Pathetic display from us today
If Xabi does not come, it is down to two/three candidates for me. I’d like to see us give our all to try and pry Simone Inzaghi out of Inter. Amazing tactician that has won titles and reached Champions League finals. Inter are a very fun team to watch; I think the supporters would enjoy his football here.
Warra fan
Right back robertson
Bro probably gonna sign a 2 years deal, and then do the same trick again in 2026 to get more money from PSG
Certain users said he’s not good enough when we signed him
Mac allister is such a good player man ive missed him
I don't understand why people can't just shut up and applaud defensive setups these days. I don't see any issue with a low block, it takes 90+ minutes of utmost concentration to make it work but most people just don't wanna give credit to it. Just so sad to see the negativity Mou/Conte get for their way of playing. Mourinho has 2 trebles yet nobody wants to give him credit for it.
Thanks, but I think you should find someone more like yourself, you know, someone human? I am a swan, it is not legal for us to be together Swedish people seem to do best when going to Asia to find love, I suggest you travel east Good Luck
About a year and a half late but I really miss Mane
At least people will now realise how important mac is
No. The 7:0 stuff has overshadowed the build up, but would take any winning result right now because they have no incentive to play an open game against us.
Some people here need to wise up. We're playing kids and reserves in a dead rubber game, most of the team we've put out have never played with each other so why the hell are you all expecting a coherent and coordinated performance full of creativity and chances? It's just like a glorified preseason friendly for Liverpool.
He really hasn't been bad at all chill out
84/93 he is just that good
The league is corrupt, it's visible now.
Elliott is offering nothing to this midfield
Such a form player. One day he’s one of the deadliest strikers in Europe, the next day he can’t pass 5 yards. 83/86
The guy literally gives goosebumps whenever he's about to shoot outside the box. Damn!
83/88 and atleast 40-50 defensive
3 we got to 3 with Hendo
Szoboszlai give me Salah first season vibes man. We all knew he's a good player when we signed him, we just didn't expect he could be this good lol
Jota might be the most peculiar footballer we have ever had
quansah’s an animal
It all went downhill after
Bro he was demolished by Neto against Wolves lol