
Feel so bad for you lot, two fucking point deductions in one season is fucking criminal. Doubt Dyche even with his god tier management can save that. It’s a disgrace
Everton and Forest are just being charged so that the PL can make it look like they are clocked on and doing stuff when in reality they are doing fuck all. You lot are just being charged so that the PL can make it look like they are too busy to handle other clubs like City’s charges 10 points deduction earlier was harsh enough as it is and potentially doing it again is a pisstake. Going for clubs who are trying to stay afloat from relegation especially Everton who have the new stadium coming (I am not sure what the financial situation about the new stadium is like but I am guessing you lot have got debt to pay off for it) is bottom of the barrel. If they can catch 2 of your charges then they can surely they can charge city for 1/115 just to even it out a little bit and appease the other fans because this is bullshit how bigger clubs who can afford the charges like City or Chelsea are getting off scott-free I am sorry this is happening to you lads especially coz you lot bounced back from the 10 point deduction better than anyone expected but to potentially have it done twice will be extremely tough. As I said about the new stadium before but I assume you will be in debt but can you afford to go down due to these deduction or potential deductions? Or is the whole financial side of it secure?
Imagine Sheffield United avoiding relegation with a total points of 15 ish points at the end of the season, because the othwr teams are getting points reductions.
Manchester city and Chelsea are invisible apparently
FA is corrupt man, this team can't catch a break.
If I went to court having received 12 points on my licence I would get a 6 month ban. If David Beckham went to court with the same he would not. I am Everton, Beckham is Man city.
The premier league looked at Everton and deducted 10 points and we said fine now another 10 points fuck off FA you pices of shit hope city and chelsea get punished for ffp ffs
With Everton current form a 10 points deduction was nothing to them, but now it feels like FA is trying so hard to punish the club and pretend they're doing a good job💀💀💀💀
Tielemans and Gravenberch if they had a child:
Always believed in him, what a great player
And that's why dyche had faith in him
bros star boys are mudryk and caicedo and hes talking about lower ratings
Give the bloke a sock
I'd give him 72/79. 64 is way too low
77-78/85-86 IMO
Should be 78/84 at least!!!
What absolutely bollocks rating, at least 80/86
EA doesn't watch Football anymore.. 76/82 is a Joke! Minimum 79/85 !!
Dyche has won the battle of the baldies at this point
Not sure why people say Sean Dyche ball is merely defensive. Watch the games or watch the stats and you'll be surprised
I know it can be tempting to think of what if this squad had an attacking-minded manager, but it's a bad idea to look at that for the sake of being long-term. Everton tried attacking with Lampard but it clearly didn't work, this squad simply isn't good enough to play a more open style of play. Ancelotti just did Ancelotti stuff with his Everton squad and got them scoring while conceding few and he isn't even considered an attacking style manager. But wow Dyche Ball has been so incredibly effective for Everton, didn't expect them to become this decent already. It's not even been anywhere near painful to watch as what his Burnley side was.
Dyche is the GOAT
Dyche ball is back!
dang good job dyche
Everton would be above Chelsea on the table if not for deduction. Ain't no way you're going down. I expect a W today
Pickford with world class saves. Englands no.1 for a reason
Knew everton would stay up with Dyche
the only people who say it is boring is people with a fucked up attention span or people who don't really like football
This Everton team's actually solid. Would be 10th right now if it weren't for the 10 point deduction.
Just wow from Dyche! What a difference from that Arsenal and Liverpool game, Dyche has got my full backing now. In Dyche we trust
the siege mentality that dyche implemented due to to the point deduction is mental i was expecting it already and im still suprised would be awesome if the dressing room was being recorded and they made a documentary about the season
-10 points dont affect them what a tight nicked team
He actually couldn’t be more wrong First he’s a Bolton fan making fun of overspending,you guys tried playing expansive with good managers before rafa,and now dyche is getting more points then them And no getting relegated well overspending would be terrible for Everton
was just about to comment that ahaha
Everything you said is wrong
The squads pretty decent, good to at least give Dyche something, Beto, danjuma etc. midfields pretty solid too
Would be in a comfortable postion without the deduction and have a good chance of a top half finish. City will win The League again and Chelsea will continue to buy players for 300% their worth without sanction. Everton at the very most should have had the 10 points suspended and in my opinion should have got off with a stern reprimand but The FA has it's favourites and they are not one of them. They are a like the bully who goes after the small kids because the big ones will show them for what they are and that scares them.
Well played to you lads, that was a masterclass of how to play us being down so many players. The passion and energy of your team are apparent and if the Prem wasn’t a corrupt cesspool you’d be quite comfortable. Good luck the rest of the year
Good team should be 10th rn.
Beyond happy with that!!! Without being biased I feel Everton were the better side much of that match. Absolutely buzzing for Beto and McNeil. This should of put us up to Tenth place!
Should be 10th rn
Glad to see us not folding after we got our deduction. This group of players really seem to be up for the challenge no matter what….
You have a decent team with some decent depth on the bench as well. E.g. Beto, Danjuma, Patterson.
I would say Rafael Benitez was by far the worst appointment. No one wanted him to be at Everton and he did not want to be at Everton. Moyes left in 2013 so I could technically say him, but I think I’d agree more with Martinez.
Worst is probably Frank Lampard and best would have to be Roberto Martinez I guess
This team was already performing quite well pre-point deduction but I just get this feeling that this point deduction has probably motivated the players and they may even have better performances than today. I can just feel it. Everton won't go down but they won't be 16th or 17th either.
Unlucky lads, but I`m sure you guys will stay up, ya`ll are better then luton, sheffield and burnley fr
Should be at least an 84 rated goal keeper if not more. Gets a lot of abuse from rival fans but he is a solid goal keeper and this season is on 🔥. Should have 84/85 rating at least.
Couldn't have said it better myself. We are the biggest club they are willing to do this to, because they want to make us an example. It's not out of any sense of righteous enforcement of financial fair play.
I mean it's no wonder why they want to get rid of us. We get in the way of the story that there are only 6 "big clubs" in England. Although pretty much everyone has seemed to accept that narrative. I now live in an area without many Everton fans and I've heard people say that we're a small club and actually mean it. I've also heard fans of West Ham, Newcastle and Crystal Palace say we're of "similar size" and actually mean it. Our reputation as a big and historic club has pretty much sunk to an all-time low, and by getting us out of the prem it will be gone completely. Because people still see that we have the longest time spent in top-flight history and 9 league titles (more than/equal to 3 of the "big 6"), the final step to the media narrative is getting us out the picture. And yes, I know that the ownership and underperforming teams in recent years are mostly to blame, but we are clearly treated very unfairly compared to the rest of the league. Portsmouth got a 9 point deduction for going into ADMINISTRATION yet we get 10 knocked off for ONE financial breach. They saw their chance and they pounced. Can't forget the countless outrageous decisions that have gone against us in recent years, too (well, most people will forget). Not to mention the lack of broadcasting of Everton matches and the non-existent promotion of anything Everton. What is their master plan? To eliminate the Merseyside derby and make "Liverpool Vs Man City" the headline in every paper? It's so predictable. The league is artificial right now, and they are killing off the clubs and individuals who don't fit their perfect "big 6" image. Yet, people have such short memories that they can't see the corruption going on right in front of them. I can only hope that this deduction motivates the players even more so that we can fight the odds and win. It's us against the world, but I'm never switching sides 💙🔵🔵.
I have been saying for a very long time that football is corrupted from head to toe and most people tell me to stfu. I am hoping now that more and more people will believe it and start to realise football has gone, they want their super league and will somehow work a way to get it. Man City can break 117 fifa rules for a period of years and nothing, absolutely nothing is done.... ] Chelsea broke something like 37 rules regarding U18s and transfers yet instead of a points deduction they get a transfer ban and shitty little fucking fine. Football has just showed it's true colours and how corrupt it is and don't get me started on that corrupt piece of shit VAR. Man United are £1b in debt but they can still buy players and continue as if nothing is wrong, where the fuck is FFP for those cunts? If you are working in a debt of that much how can you actually earn any money to spend? Because unless they earn a net amount way over £1b they are not making money. Anyway, throughout the season you will earn enough points to stay up easily. Burnley, Luton and Sheff United are fucking shit
Feel for Everton, the 10 point deduction is extremely harsh, but I think you'll cope this season. Plus, you now have Sean Dyche with a siege mentality lmao, which in itself is a huge asset. At least now they've done this, it will heavily ramp up fan pressure from across the rest of the league to fully investigate City and Chelsea. I think most fans at least out of the top 6 are fully in unity at how unfair this punishment seems. I expect to see Goodison absolutely shaking next Sunday against United and it will be glorious.
I’m sure they’ll be fine. The 3 teams that came up have to be the worst 3 as a whole I’ve seen.
Never thought I would be feeling bad for Everton but here Iam
What a joke. If it was a “big six” team they’d have had a slap on the wrist. I hope you guys stay up, partly as a FU to the league but also because dyche is from my hometown.
Robbery ffs
You will survive, in Dyche you'll trust
i swear to god if man city and chelsea (if charged) get away with it while everton suffer for doing nothing compared to the other clubs , then there is no way the league isnt corrupt