
- Favela monkey bro is crying about shit that happened 300-500 years ago 💀💀💀
If he doesn't leave this summer he has to be a Nazi sorry I don't make the rules
I dont want to see any transfer rumours for this guy, its the same every year. Whatever club he goes to ill buy his shirt, but not from this nazi club
It's genuinely disturbing how many genuinely mentally challenged people can be found in these comments. HE'S NOT INNOCENT!!!
One of the most s**pide thing I have read...
Brazil isn't part of Portugal you genius. Martinique where Warren is from is a french department, he only has the french nationality. Should we invent him a second one to make you happy?
french caribbeans, so France
I pity you, you slave. Keep barking like the dog you are. Creatures like you make me understand how the concept of a subhuman came to be. Subhumans like you really do exist.
The favelas of a certain Portuguese colony producing retards again. smh How does an organism like you even have access to the internet I wonder ?
Bro thinks he knows Portuguese
"they're the most stinky people in the world" - French
Only 1 of the two had hypothyroidism and 2 knee surgeries.
He did not marry her when she was 8 idiot, in fact the only reason for the marriage was just to connect the families of Mohammed and Abu bakr
Los dos pónganse a estudiar. Uruguay es un país y punto. No nos sentimos y nunca nos sentiremos parte de Argentina o Brasil.
men, what? uruguay's independence was literally against argentina, they were part of argentina (colony of spain) before brazil (colony of portugal) colonized them
While were at it (hating every Isrealian because of a two-sided conflict) lets also kill every Muslim because there are suicide bombers who scream In'sha Allah And every Christian because of the Pedophile pastors. See how dumb this is
What the fuck are you on about you pourtuguese cock riding samba loving favella merchant
Looks like he’s off to palmeiras soon so it looks like won’t be in fifa for long
That was my intention so that i can match his stupidity so that he understands
Oooh did I hurt your feelings you negative chromosome mf
Russia ≠ peace
It is a great signing. Milan, United, and Arsenal should have been looking at Doucouré. For Palace to get him is a great coup. He progresses the ball forward very well and is good defensively.
Fucking asshole, he deserves to go to the jail for the sex scandal
What’s with all this racism Your all sick cunts who are sitting behind there keyboard acting all brave but you’d bottle it if they came at you your just jealous cos you know these boys at 19,21 and 24 have accomplished things in life you guys never would both on the pitch and off and realising that they are never going to make they’re family proud Sad cunts
I'm so fucking happy for him. He deserved this so much. Brilliant performance in the Copa América and finally a title with the national team!
thank god stilll better than having this diver and clown who will ruin a whole country reputation nowadays br7il are joke in football because their best player is lol you know who XD