
Barca are so smart with how much influence they have in media that they can convince people their young players are all superstars when they're not. He's a good young player but that 90 potential is crazy 😂 75/84
funny to see how juve players are getting upgraded while Napoli players aren't. i can understand the fact that they got licences for Juve but that's not fair
not overpriced thats just his release clause
La técnica que demostró en el gol no tiene sentido, se sacó de encima a Tomori, durmió un pelotazo de 50 metros con la zurda, y la cacheteó al segundo palo. 2 toques nomas. Si lo hace Cristiano lo meten a competir por el puskas.
Confidence player.When confident one of the best in the world,when not he cold not play for Triestina in serie C
Roma tactics: 1: get the ball to Dybala 2: ??? 3: profit
58 minutes with Havertz and Mout were enough for him
Everyone is talking about that red but he played really well before it. Hope to see more from him.
EA 🤡
Every PL fanboy saying he is not worth 120 M. Lmao have you seen the price tag in any mediocre british player? You are all so delussioal
Just put some commas mate, I was about to suffocate while reading your comment
He touched the sky, World Cup winner being a starter. Does he need to score against Burnley and Not. Forest to get an upgrade?
stats that should be uploaded: Crossing 79>83 Short passing 81>83 Dribling 76>80 Long passing 77>81 Ball control 79>82 Acceleration 73>77 Sprint speed 66>72 Agility 73>80 Balance 72>78 Stamina 75>81 Vision 78>81
Still cannot believe the tournament & final he has played.
more stamina, dribbling, pace and aggression.
It's an offense that he is only 77 rated and Gavi is 80, makes no sense
you are right, we are bringing the fifth in 2030
75/78 Es solido y bueno para el futbol argentino, pero muy limitado con los pies y es algo que no mejoro nunca desde que esta en primera.
A player from MLS just won the WC .. damn
Te acordás cuando nos preocupamos porque nos faltaba Lo Celso? Fue hace como 5 semanas.
La invasión de cancha casi nunca se cobra a menos que se viole demasiado esa regla. Los de Francia también lo hicieron, hasta en el tiro que tapó Dibu en el 120+3. Poco se habla de la mano de Upamecano antes del segundo penal de Francia, la cual no fue revisada por el VAR. Y si es por el tema penales, los únicos que te discuto si eran o no válidos, son los de Polonia y Arabia.
85 is fine, but his dribbling and ball control are surely overrated
Otamendi was our best defender this world cup, the only reason lisandro didn't play that much is the existance of Cuti and Otamendi. Both of them were world class. Next WC lisandro will be without a doubt the pairing besides Romero for Argentina.
Como es posible que tenga 80 y 17 años, cuando enzo fernandez, mejor jugador joven del mundo y 21 años también tiene 80, rnzo tiene que tener 82 minimo
Solo +1 Increible EA Jugador joven del mundial Jugador joven del mundo Mundialazo Y me pones solo +1
I get that Gvardiol did an amazing WC, but there is a big difference between these two. Enzo was not going to be a starter at all, he was in the list as an alternative midfielder, and he ended up being the most solid player on the squad with Mesi and Otamendi. On the other hand Gvardiol was a starter from the beginning because there where not that many players. He did increidible, but idk if it would have suited well if he recieved the YPOTT after losing 3-0 being a defender. One last thing, Enzo played an incredible final, plus he won the tournament.
I feel sorry for you mate.
The debate ended was already over in 2011 for me but now nobody can have this debate while being serious anymore He's the GREATEST of our time by far, it's not even close Don't want to say of all-time because you just can't compare Pelé and Messi, the eras are so different but, in my opinion, they had the same impact on the game We won't see anyone being compared to Messi for at least 50 years
Greatest of all time. I can't believe some people still doubted this before winning the world cup. He didn't need to win it to be the greatest.
You can prefer Ronaldo all you like. You're entitled to be a fan of whoever you want. But this man right here is head and shoulders above the rest.
the greatest of all time. How was this even a debate
Greatest of ALL time.
Na the hate on this site is to much, worse than twitter
Ronaldinho lmao. You must watch football vía instagram reels
Best defender of the WC but when the greatest player of all-time is playing like that, there's nothing to do
Well he did score 26 goals in El Classico. But you're right, RM is not a very strong team.
average fifa goal
Why?There is no rivalry beetween Portugal and Argentina, with my country out, Argentina is the only country with Benfica players in it. Argentinian players and fans as a whole are very likeable. I don't give a fuck about your Ronaldo vs Messi debate
People hating so hard on him and argentina for being „disrespectful“ openly. But I’m so grateful for guys like him that bring passion and fire to the field. On the other hand there are guys like dumfries who don’t have the balls to take a penalty but try to intimidate every single one of the oppositions penalty takers. Choose your side, I chose mine
Tendrían que aprender de Croacia que sin llorar está logrando cosas grandísimas
he just baffling at this point. The ref today didnt make a single wrong call
Netherlands did not deserve it Argentina dominated whole match only last 15 min we were good
The exit is that way >>>> Have fun on the way home.
Love to see you guys humble these europeans, cheering for you guys, it's a shame that we don't make it to the semi final, it would've been an historical game.
Dale amigo tenes una foto de un uruguayo el equipo mas mañoso del mundo dale como si nunca hubiesen hecho de la picardia en el futbol, dale
Gente eliminada en grupos no tiene derecho a opinar.
Van Gaal dijo que si iban a penales la ventaja era para ellos. Que con Messi Argentina jugaba con uno menos. El arquero dijo que le iba a atajar un penal a Messi. But we´re the bad guys...
Que llorones los Europeos. Antes del partido Van Gaal decia que Messi era uno menos, que ellos jugaban bien futbol y nosotros al box. Es natural que si sos picante ante la prensa, el partido va a ser picante. Cuando ellos juegan al limite le dicen "passionate", "brexit football". Despues lo hace un equipo latinoamericano y somos unos sucios salvajes. Me da pena que no paso Brasil porque se lo merecian, Uruguay y Ecuador tambien. Hasta Mexico hizo mas que Polonia. Hace muchos años las grandes instituciones de futbol favorecen a las selecciones Europeas, tenemos que estar unidos ahora mas que nunca (hasta con los chilenos). Vayan pa ya bobos Europeos
I feel he could be a great sticker tho
Best dribbler in argentina with 4.8 a game. Impressive
He has 4 assists this season xd
if he was european...
Without crying, pls
maybe next season
De la generacion 2000, es el argentino que más promete (en mi opinión sera el mejor). Es un crack, pero lo tienen que poner su verdadera posición (centro delantero o segundo) jamás hay que ponerlo de extremo porque ahi no rinde, el pibe le pone actitud pero no rinde en esa parte del campo. Para mi tiene cosistas de Muller y Benzema
brazilian player: breathes Europe: £50,000,000 also brazilian player: miss a pass also Europe: flop lol 57/62 I really love you guys mindset, is always the same damn thing. always expecting a new Ronaldo, Kaká, Roberto Carlos, etc and getting frustrated with your own expectations.