Kristien Roland

My mind doesn’t cast back that far. I know this one!
purchase him for Pennie’s ? nigga ukrainians always beg and twerk for money, they're worst than jews, u really think Shakhtar will let him leave for Pennie’s ?
Ceballos has more UCL titles than Bellingham
Some fake Norwegian with a VPN- “Germany is for Germans!” 80% of actual Germans- “Eh we don’t care”
Yes, Özil really hurt Germany in the 2014 world cup 😩 Always changing your pfp to say the same dumb stuff again and again. Typical resented and racist Milwall fan.
Nobody cares
My totally unbiased opinion is that I think £25m for other prem teams and £2.5 for Fulham is fair
My guy discovered that football fans want to watch the end of the biggest club tournament.
He will never reach neymar/ronaldinho status with that attitude
such a dislikable guy
Diving rat
Makes rash challenges, dives constantly and always uses the race card when getting hate on for being a piece of shit. That's Vinicius Junior everybody.
Always acting like he is dying.
Even a 10 year old is more mature than this cunt.
he has the mentality of a 10 yo kid
That Lokonga fella in Lutons midfield looked tidy
No thanks, he’s such a baller for sure but he’s made out of cheese
ꖌ╎ꖎꖎ ||𝙹⚍∷ᓭᒷꖎ⎓ ╎ᓭ∷ᔑᒷꖎ╎ ᓭᓵ⚍ᒲ
Then congrats you’re a sh*t human being!
Because there was a lot of support for Ukraine from UEFA and in all of football
I know people might say this is football sight or blah blah but when all that shit happened to ukraine everybody, footballers, leagues everyone in football stands for them but now what is happening in Palestine and there’s no noice and 0 support for them shows the hypocrisy of all these so called great human beings and Leagues etc what is happened at rafah is Totally satanism and all the world should stand for Palestine
Imagine supporting Zionism. What a piece of shit you are. Fucking Nazi scum
You should learn what Zionism actually is
Another Zionist 🤮
Your opinion here is of course highly regarded and sought after, thank you for your words of wisdom
Crysencio please 🤞🏻
Fuck them all
Fuck Israel!
Fuck da Jews
Kick out the left wing Jews (Solomon&Levy) and this is a solid start to the summer
What a pathetic loser makes me sick
The excuses of him defending his own country are fucking stupid, if Wales was committing mass Genocide on the scale Israel is i'd rightfully disown it, so stop defending this guy he's fucking awful (at football as well)
avatar Hope we sell this guy, doing himself no favors..
Thanks, that's very human of you. I still want a ceasefire ASAP. Should Hamas take the fall for October 7th and possibly stealing aid, maybe so. But only after a solid partition and reparations IMO. I can't let that go. Glad to have learned from you!
- Lol, fake news. If there is ONE source that has been outed as unreliable, it is the tactical misinformation apparatus of the MANY Israel news outlets - They just agreed with the Egypt/Qatar ceaafire and hostage deal, bro. It's good enough for me to learn to get creative with words. This is a typical Netanyahu quality, he manages to use words in a very interesting way too. A bit inaccurately, nonetheless. So I would've expected you to know what I was doing... - Unfair deals, I told you. Israel can have their own state. Just not a colonial one, and with a fair division. - Again, false info. The solutions before 67 were unfair, and Israel has always colonized during talks after that year Enjoy Japan✌🏽
1) How is it hate speech? Give me good examples of hate speech by Al Jazeera, I'll wait. Is every criqitue of Israel also antisemitism to you? 2) Supply aid during an EMERGENCY. In terms of conflict, Isrnotreal is the most artificially upheld nation in the world. Hamas are putting pressure on Isnotreal to work towards a fair two state solution. That is fair. Palestinians have a right to their land. 3) What attempts though? Should Palestine just give up land and resources simply because they fail to reclaim territory in conflict? This is a current colonial state. It has been inherited that way, and it has been as relevant as ever. Palestinians have been colonized non-stop, it never ended. See, this is the problem with the Western viewpoint; we should apparently forgive iSSnotreal's colonization of Palestine because it is 'too long ago', even though it is a colonially herited colonial state. It has been created with the goal to occupy as much as possible by Ben Gurion and his N*zi buddies. Meanwhile we commemorate the Holocaust every year and distance ourselves from our own colonialism.
- It sure is going that way. Militarism, and ideology of biological hierarchy... no free speech (Al Jazeera outing, closing down Palestinian media outlets...) - Aid during an emergence. The countries that sent aid were nowhere to be found when Hamas fired rockets to Israel. Many countries however helped Israel deter them - Stop turning things around. So typical, everything was started by Palestinians. No, this started with Israel colonizing Palestine and upholding apartheid. If you occupy a territory, you have to end that occupation ASAP. You either: A) annex the area and give full equal citizenship (instead of apartheid laws), or B) Make all attempts to end the conflict that caused it and then leave it (which Israel has not done by allowing settlers to colonize it) Genocide is not per se the killing of a people, it is the destruction of it. After October 7th, we can speak of that. Much of the Gaza country is destroyed
1. "Jews have historical ties to their homeland. It's a fact." Doesn't excuse the Ben Gurion-zionist fascist state that exists today. Not in any way 2. "Global Support have never been tilted towards Israel. Many Westerners do support Palestine. How could you be this wrong? The Majority of Westerners support Palestine, and HAMAS" That doesn't help them enough though. Today, US politicans literally threatened the ICC to stop prosecuting your little n*zi state, or they would harm them and the lawyers (even their families eere threatened). Stop playing games, we al knos the US government is the biggest military power, and it stands firmly behind Isnotreal. 3. "And Israel is NOT conducting a genocide. The Palestinian population demographics is only increasing day by day" You know people in dire poverty have more children, don't you? - lack of access to contraceptives - having children to support the parents - bad decision making due to IQ lowering by life-threatening stress for an extended period Right now, Israel are committing genocide. No way around it. Stop fooling yourself. A requirement to classify a series of attacks as genocide: Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
You spread fake info, it's that simple... The partitions were not fair. If you even remotely had any sort of attention span, you could look up that a) the teo state solutions were biased towards Israel in terms of natural resources, b) the Israelis have amost always continued colonzing durng peace talks, and c) Palestinians used to not always support Hamas this much. But since Israel started genociding, it is the only defense they have, since the global support scale is very much tilted towards Israel even while they are genociding
No goals in finals. No goals vs Arsenal or Liverpool this season.
Against any good defender.
Couldn't even shine young Zlatan shoes
After twice finishing 5th after being second almost all season in both cases. Those both seasons they crashed awfully at the end and finished 5th. Rodgers' teams always do that
Ability wise is close but don’t ever compare maradonas career to Ronaldo’s please
I completely agree. Edu and Mikel have laid a great foundation, now it’s just about taking the cream of the crop.
You have 13 league titles now?
It's not father's day yet, but here you are posting pics of your daddy
First Indian that actually has a brain , big ups to you my guy 💪🏼
Fuck Israel 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Last night's visuals coming from Rafah, Palestine are absolutely unreal. They're burning people alive and no one's saying anything. And this is not about some petty politics. Humans are being massacred like objects. This is simply about right and wrong. Please raise your voices and let the world know that.
Not necessarily; while flying a palestinian flag can symbolize support for a palestinian state it doesn’t mean that state has to be run by hamas. Flying an israeli flag symbolizes at the minimum the support for an israeli state to exist. As the goal for israel is to create a jewish ethno state, that would make anyone supporting such a state zionist. The only way for a person to support israel and not be a zionist would be for them to believe that israel is not a judea ethno apartheid state in its current form, which i personally find ridiculous. Also, I agree regarding your other comment that Ralph’s remarks towards you were anti sematic and racist. The reason why i asked you what he said was because there seems to be a very fine low bar to claiming anti semitism in germany, but you were valid in that comment.
You’re in for a suprise. Spent premium money on backwater Brazilians lol. Even Real Madrid stopped shopping there for a reason.
He is 29, potential is way too high.
would be so laughably shit i'd take a hiatus from watching the club because it would be the club admitting they don't want to seriously compete with city. i don't believe this rumour for a second.
I wouldnt know why else you have the Israel flag next to your name, since you apparently arent jewish either
So you’re a zionist then