An Average Guy

what makes this loss more embarrassing is the fact that FLOPP and VVD PROMISED to bounce back against Crystal Palace and look what happened the same garbage that's been happening the whole entire last week. Shameful Club can't even keep a promise
Me when I purposefully spread misinformation on the internet 🤭
Man called Leverkusen a generational team. They’re not Real Madrid, ffs.
If Konate is really out again we should start thinking about selling him in the summer. Great player but he can't stay fit.
Downvoted for one of the worst slander names of all time
Could be Arsenal the way theyre going.
Unpopular Opinion: We should sell and replace Konaté in the summer, before he's got a year left and we aren't able to get decent money for him, as he is far too injury prone to play for a team that's aiming for 90+ points a season.
Smile merchant just said that stop copying
There is a reason why they are bottom of the table. All the players are trash
He is shit lmao I would say someone like nuamah or caqueret will make the cut
£55m for Palhinha... Why the fuck wasn't Liverpool after him for that price? You are paying £40m for Gravenberch who's shit while Palhinha would fix all your problems... Better yet you're literally funding the deal for Bayern. Absolute clown show of a club, you should stop playing "you'll never walk alone" before games and play some circus music.
inb4 we get absolutely ethered into oblivion, courtesy of the Magpies. This one's gonna be very ugly to watch.
Elliott is attacking midfield and not weak. Henderson is the new Milner.
Fabinho is still a very good player. He just played too much and you get tired. You play too much Fifa and have no connection to reality, kidds. And Henderson is the new Milner.
I know we will still use the 3-2-2-3 next season but I would like to see something like this
We know
Starboys 😂 name one local academy lad by one of those teams at the level of Trent please because out of 3 replies, nobody has mentioned any names. Btw if you start with Saka, please bear in mind that he was poached from Watford.
Tbh it’s feeling like non of our main targets are massively keen to come join us look how long it’s taken to negotiate these deals
F*ck you racists
Was watching the game on my fucking TV and could hear all the dumbass fans screaming mono. Fans should be banned from attending matches
It was fucking disgusting what happened today, racist assholes. And it looks like LaLiga doesn't care at all.
I want the whole crowd to be suspended from the stadium for several games by being complacent with the crime, and all the racists in jail, not just banned from this fucker stadium and walking freely in this nazi-hole that you call a country.
But I can judge the whole crowd who were quiet complacent to the crime.
A nazi club, for nazi people.
Great squad players but bad fans is all I’m saying
If the whole crowd were screaming mono, yeah, they do. They are all racists.
Racist team, the whole stadium was chanting to Vini so dont even try. Next year to segunda you go
Racist club!!! There's no denying it, they're all racists.
"Couple", the whole stadium were screaming "mono" you fucker. Stfu
Doubt we will win anything next year especially with Klopp playing Henderson day in day out. If we don’t win PL or CL next season Klopp should walk.
you must tweet regularly about the football club you play for
don't be stupid delusional and obsessed with Bellingham ass
Y'all love Nunez too much. He will never be a world class striker imo. Overrated.
Realistic ratings TBH 24 Alison 88 Trent 85 Gomez 78 Van dijk 88 Matip 81 Konate 81 Robertson 85 Fabiano 85 Thiago 85 Kieta 80 Arthur 78 Henderson 80 Daiz 84 Jota 84 Nunez 82 Gakpo 82 Salah 89
Holy fuck King Kenny passed away. Rest in peace legend
you guys better keep playing arnold, cause he'll always spam dumb crossings and it'll be hilarious to see his comedies face off against a great lwf like vini mbappe
Oh. I don’t listen to rap.
Your dumb or what? I will be happy waiting for your funny comments, do you guys cook? or those of you who will be cooked with 5 consecutive defeats with City Chelsea Arsenal in the future
Except you also didn't respond to my other 1 paragraph response either. I don't think that I 'won this one', I know that I did because I'm clearly much smarter than you.
Yep that was definitely an intelligent reply from you. Cope harder with the fact that you knew you were wrong hence why you couldn't respond to me.
Thank you for conceding the argument.
I just have to assume this is bait.
No, I asked you to explain how he '100% agreed' when one of them was saying keeping Milner wasn't inherently a problem when the other one was saying keeping Milner is inherently a problem. You clearly have very poor comprehension skills. I didn't ignore it, I quite simply explained why RF was wrong in saying that he '100% agreed' when he obviously didn't 100% agree with what YG said. You undeniably ignored that entire portion of what I and RF said in favour of putting forward one of the dumbest arguments imaginable.
He said him staying with reduced wages isn't a problem when RF essentially said it would be a problem. Why are you having such a hard time understanding something so simple? No, he said the problem IS that we won't strengthen, not that it's inherently a problem that we're keeping Milner. Please re-read what he said instead of writing multiple comments in response to me, about something that 1 line should be enough to understand. I already explained why, because he is a big presence in the dressing room, and his professionalism undeniably rubs off onto the other players. Going on to say that other players have a presence or professionalism is such a non-argument. Just because other players have those traits (arguably Milner would be at the very top) doesn't mean getting rid of him for free isn't instantly a net loss. He also provides free cover at rb if we need him too considering our only other back ups are injury prone and we already know we're losing several midfielders next season (he's already played 10 games at rb this season). His versatility is one of his best traits for our squad. "We have Curtis Jones, Carvalho, Ox and Keita to choose from and Klopp picks 38 y/o Milner" You're saying this in response to me saying Klopp picks him because our squad has been under strengthened due to our stingy owners. You listed a bunch of low quality players we've had to keep because of our stingy owners, some of whom have showed little effort when they actually do play (considering they're leaving for free after this season), and other completely raw players like Carvalho who are far too weak to actually start in the cm spot for us, (hence why he never does and usually plays wide). The best player defensively out of those players is Keita and that is not saying anything at all. The only other player is Curtis Jones who has been plagued with injuries for years now and also isn't even good. Jones has repeatedly shown that he isn't able to play the role that Klopp wants him to in midfield. He's not good defensively, holds on the ball for far too long, and wants to go forward too much for what our coaching staff want (hence why he also sometimes is just put out wide like Carvalho). Also increasing Milner's age by a year doesn't make your argument stronger. We are potentially going to be losing 3 of those 4 players (2 confirmed) and you want us to get rid of Milner for free when he would be on incredibly low wages and we will be even shorter on midfielders? Please explain to me how that makes sense? "if Milner is available Klopp will play him" "Klopp is still the one choosing Milner when he has literally many more options". Of the 3 UCL games that he has started this season was 1. Because literally every other midfielder was injured and he was our only option 2. He started in our 2-0 win against Napoli over Elliott (the only other fit midfielder) and didn't play poorly at all and 3. The Real Madrid game (in which he also didn't even play bad) because we were playing Gakpo, Jota, Nunez, Salah and he was the only other competent defensive midfielder other than Fabinho that we had available. Every time he was subbed on was for 10-20 minutes as a defensive midfielder, right back, or direct Henderson replacement to close out games. If you're one of those people interested in match ratings, he's been averaging a higher rating than all those players you suggested as better options. All 4 cup games he's played has been at rb, and he's only started 3 premier league games in midfield this season, all the rest at right back. Of those 3 games, he was subbed off in 2 of them and was only playing ahead of Carvalho in 1 of those games, ahead of Henderson in another (he was playing LCM which Henderson never plays) and then another in which he was playing over Jones and Carvalho (where he put in our best performance in midfield, ahead of Henderson and Keita, hence why he wasn't subbed). The vast majority of his games in the Prem have also been late subs as direct Henderson replacements to close out games or getting subbed on at rb. "So does Milner count as a "quality signing" to you that you don't want to let him go?" No? This sentence doesn't even make sense? I quite clearly explained how we would be losing midfielders and can only sign so many replacements, hence why keeping him as a back up on very low wages + his presence and professionalism, and versatility to play multiple roles is ideal. "Do you know the concept of renovation?" Yes I do. Do you also understand how football squads and the transfer market work? It's as if you think this is FIFA and we can get as many replacements as we want with Milner being an old mid 70 rated player when he have younger players with similar or higher ratings with more potential, therefore we should never keep him or play him and must always play the players with a higher potential (completely ignoring any versatility, presence, professionalism, reliability, or tactical similarity/like for like replacements that he provides). "You haven't given me a single reasonable reason for the benefit of the team for why Milner should be kept for another year." Then you clearly haven't read a single thing that I have said.
I wonder what would happen if we got Werner instead of Jota
Chelsea have to sell players due to FFP this summer. Mount and Colwill please.
Except you're entirely ignoring the fact that YG said "Milner staying 1 more year with reduced wages is not a problem.". Like, why would you go ahead and intentionally ignore that and completely miss the point of what I and YG was clearly saying? RF said he "100% agreed" when YG literally said we should keep Milner. And no, you clearly haven't thought about this very hard if at all. It's not because Klopp is "stubborn", if our owners actually spent money, we wouldn't have to rely on Milner playing in important games. Getting rid of him then forcing ourselves to sign a replacement (when his presence and professionalism in the dressing room can't be replaced) when we obviously have an incredibly limited number of quality signings we can actually make is undeniably nonsensical hence why we are choosing to constantly extend him.
Care to explain how?
You clearly didn't understand what he said then if you 100% agree.
I hope we give Milner another year, we need him in the dressing room.
What's wrong with keeping him as a fringe player?
He doesn't affect the rebuild tho
Stop bitching. Mount isn't Will Hughes ffs. I get u like Dominic but Mount isn't some low level player justbecause he's had a Shitty Season.
Imagine wanting owners who abuses human rights just to get a bit more fun in 90-180 minutes each week.
I wasn't aggressive, you asked a question already knowing the answer. Anyway, Fabinho has been a piece of shit for a long time.
Bono >>>
Other managers would've been sacked by now, but since he always licks FSG's butts, his job is safe