
I speak for everyone when i say we are all Dortmund tonight💪🏻
I am noticing a recurring theme amongst those who support this scumbag.
Stop supporting this rapist criminal scumbag
He ruined himself
yep fuck trophies and players and gamestyle, it s all about some wankers on sofifa that decides who the better team is
im not sure if this opinion is popular or not but i really think that city play the most boring football. they have these amazing players and they just put them in this system which i find so boring, there is no soul to this team at all. they got zero attention for their fourth prem in a row
Let's not go overboard
Him and Antony would be a very big threat, maybe highly dangerous.
Bro hadn't missed enough games already 💀
Foden?! 😂 Stop it mate there is ZERO comparison besides both being white. I can’t believe what I just read
Everything that's wrong with this new batch of our fanbase. Bet you weren't supporting us before Klopp, or ever late. A wise guy usually stays quiet and observes when one doesn't know shit about the game or the club. But hey, this batch is entitled, no matter how unreasonable.
I think perhaps... You are the racist... Classic Millwall fan
My brother you’re the one who doesn’t know ball. He played 10 even when FDJ and others were there. FDJ and Schone played 6😭nice try though
For no reason, too.
most overhated player in the premier league
I don't think any of our players had ever play in a back 3. Only Virg and maybe Endo
Saying that to urself??
Missile dodged. 😅 Signing Endo instead of Lavia and Caicedo was a brilliant piece of business in the end.
Dude he got this downgrade due to the fact that he's injured for month. It makes perfectly sense, of course your stamina suffers from being out for so long. It has also been common practice for years
Yes but he got injured watching the match against Leicester City
buncha new fans after the CL, supporting us only when we win…
Reaching. He fell over like he always does
Cry more 😭
you really said "love this kid" and only added "no homo"? xD
Will Spearman, Liverpool's head of Data Analytics, has written multiple academic papers on the sports data side of things. It's all about space and space management. Essentially Liverpool created a data model in which each space on the field is assigned an attacking value, defensive value, retention value and a progression value. Liverpool study players relative to the spaces occupied and measure the impact they have on the space positively or negatively, this is how we know that Mac Allister for example can play in a defensive role despite the fact he hadn't really played in the position before he signed for us. In another example one of the key reasons why we signed Naby Keita is because of his impact on progression and retention numbers from a central area, it meant that he'd be more likely to be fouled than other Liverpool midfielders at the time which would typically give us a high value attacking set piece in a dangerous area, which is nice when you have the likes of Trent, Robertson or Shaqiri delivering the free kick. It's also the reason why Klopp tends to explain his tactics and players in roles rather than as players in positions.
Friendly reminder that Haaland has been pocketed by every single one of our CBs at this point including 21 year old Quansah
There's a difference between a minor foul and booting someone in the ribs, mate. If it had been given, I doubt VAR would have overturned it.
As far as ours go, that's a great update
Get sacked after 6 months
Your defence would get raped
If it was foolproof he’d be the best, obviously there’s issues but I look at Bayern as a whole and do think they have long standing issues that are still present. Saying before him. Mourinho and tuchel are nothing alike that is really really lazy.
So did you
Whats bro looking at
Trent is the most scrutinised player in the PL. He's been doing the least hiding of any player in the league, every single time he breathes funny he's called out for it