LFC 719

We are linked a couple of times, I think if PEH leaves then he would be an option.
Nico is most likely to leave although talks have been going for months he hasnt publicly said anything about staying and it seeems Barca and Madrid are interested in him. Berenguer will renew if he accepts a lower wage and a less important role in the team and sadly munian may leave as his playing very little with Valverde and it seems marseille are interested in him
I haven't heard of the rumor, but interesting name. In midfield we are talking to Martel, Amiri and Groß.
I've never been so excited about an upcoming transfer phase. According to media reports, Durosinmi is coming to us, and an initial offer of 9 million was apparently made for Debast. Who will be the ZDM and another striker will be interesting.
It used to happen a lot but nowadays it's more controversial. Inigo Martinez moved in 2018 and became universally hated in San Sébastian. I'd probably avoid it and just use the youth academy but maybe players who aren't playing for La Real or don't have as strong ties to the club could be signed. Mikel Merino didn't play for their academy so he could possibly be open to playing for Athletic Club some time. The clubs don't do business with each other so you'd either have to pay the release clause or sign them once they've moved to a different club
Personally with the non-Spanish youth players I usually just release them, scouting is so overpowered anyway the odds of you getting a good youth player from Spain is just as good are pretty high. (I don’t bother with the whole Basque last name principle some other people do, because what if they just have a Basque mother?) Technically, if they’re in the academy they’re eligible regardless of nationality. The modern interpretation of the rule is that you are a Basque player if you’ve been developed by a Basque club (that’s why Griezmann is considered eligible despite not having Basque heritage)
Probably most realistic to offer Nico the highest wages in the squad. If he doesn’t accept (I haven’t played EAFC so I’m not sure what the negotiation mechanics are like) then let him leave. Berenguer and Herrera would likely be offered extensions, Berenguer especially if Nico leaves. I’d give Herrera a 1 yr extension and Berenguer a 2 yr extension. (Personally I would also give Nico a moderate release clause around €50-60million, which I think the club and Nico will probably agree to in real life basically as a ‘we won’t stand in your way, but we’d want some compensation’ agreement) Unai Nunez has a purchase obligation, not sure how it works in game, but if you want realism then let him go. Unfortunately I don’t think you can offer players to certain clubs and Celta doesn’t have any players you can sign so deal with that as you please.
it might or might not, it looks like his brother will be a one club player as he has contract until 2028 (and he is already 29), but maybe he wants to take a different step in his career
Liverpool are heavily interested and he is getting constantly disrespected In Spain so I could see him leaving on a free due to his treatment by fans
Realistic. He is willing to extend contract with Bilbao if the same release clause stays in place (50m Euros). So while he wants to join his childhood favorite club Real, he doesn't want his home club to not get anything for him. So just put this release clause amount when you extend his contract in CM.
I think you'll need to start a new one, but I'm not 100% sure. At least with new faces you have to start a new one, don't know if it's the same with the kits.
Just started a CM with Frankfurt. Can anyone make any recommendations for players to sign?