Razor Freak

How the fuck can't Tuchel find a way get one of the best proven strikers in the world to produce? Weak coaching
Most dribbled past player in the premier league. https://s3a.sofifa.net/1476ecd2855ca42ad34171746c7c975586b1be5c.jpg
very very overrated. He's good but not TOTS or Ballondor good. To quote Gattuso he's "Sometimes-a maybe good, sometimes-a maybe shit" Let's be honest. He's a pen merchant and can be outrunned by Steve Bruce
Jorginho is so god damn overrated
Would def get exposed in a less defensive team
I will never understand this, he should not be anywhere near of these kind of awards and XI's. Him finishing 3rd place at Ballon d'Or was an absolute circus. He is not and will never be top 3 of the best players in the world, he is not even top 3 in his position. Kante is 5 times better. I could easily name10 better midfielders than him.
89 long passes, 88 vision but cant provide an assist to save his own life LOL worse than Danilo Cataldi
Why do people rate this guy anyways
He lost possession twice in the last 2 games that cost his team 2 goals. He’s a decent player but nothing more Your just using him being a DLP as an excuse to justify his lack of speed, strength, defending etc. He’s a DLP but the opposition don’t care what labels you give him. All they look at is If he’s slow, I’m gonna take advantage of that.
unreal the past couple games. he's been quiet the beginning of this season but now he's had game time he's back to it
Crucial is a Big Word, without him both teams would be still champions
Not to mention Casemiro, Fernandinho, Xabi alonso and maaaany more cdms
Shouldn't have even been nominated for the ballon d'or let alone come 3rd, what kind of pillocks vote for this
2 mistakes in a week. Very aware
2 mistakes in a week. And chelsea fans rate him as the best player itw
Jorginho came 3rd in Balon D'or. What a joke
He had 2 bad games and that was it Class pretty much the entirety of the last season, just unfortunate with injuries
He isn't the best midfielder in any team he plays for
top 3 lmaooooo francefootball instantly lost all the credibility they have
how is this guy even top 5
D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-disgraceful! Not even top 15, top 20 at a push
Not even Chelsea best midfielder, not even Italia best player, but according to Ballon D'or, he's the 3rd best player in the world lmao
Jorginho in top 3 like: https://s3a.sofifa.net/040f5001c0b52170bf3ad10601a4f6844f1717c6.jpg
I would never in my life imagine some player like Jorginho would make it at the top 3 of the Ballon D'Or, football is just insane
Drawing to us is actually unacceptable. But relying on a penalty as well?
Chelsea xG: 2.52 vs Utd 0.82 Tucheliban getting taste of his own medicine
Wtf red card for what??? It was clean 🙄
doesnt have any standout qualities to have 92 pot. very basic player with great positioning
Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think Havertz is really overrated. It's not often you win 7-0 and one of your players is noticeably *bad*. Not just average or missing, but actively not very good. He's obviously young and has time on his side but right now I can't put him past 81 in FIFA terms.
That piece of shit part may be a bit harsh, but apart from that i honestly don't know why he got so many downvotes for speaking the truth.
Once his pace goes he'll be lucky to be 75 rated, he literally has nothing else
So criminally underrated https://s3a.sofifa.net/0e5f0674dd4e4bd60d3f40a2831ade0b5fa9a1f0.jpg
Yep, he's not a dribbler at all. I would expect about 70 tbh
I watch him play all the time, I'm a Chelsea fan. He's not a dribbler at all, in my opinion.
Ive supported Chelsea for the last 16 years, obviously I watch games lol, I just disagree with you. You're the first person I've seen ever say Jorginho is a 'superb' dribbler, it is not even his game at all. He rarely beats players, I don't even have to get statistics to back it up, it's just fact. https://sofifa.com/comment/8007184879 He also says Jorginho isn’t a dribbler. Does he not watch Jorginho too? Or maybe you’re hyperbolising.. All you’ve done is posted a YouTube highlight clip which barely even shows him dribbling, which is not a surprise as he rarely ever dribbles. Is that really the best you can do?
What the fuck is happening. You cannot compare this guy to Modric. It's not even a contest - Modric was always far more talented than Jorginho has ever been, and had a far better season when he won the UCL. You do have to have actually watched their season a bit to tell that, and maybe many people just look at the match results and make massive judgements. I'm not saying he's not great, because he's great. But he's absolutely nowhere near the best player in the world. Game for game he's not even top 20, and his special moments aren't really special enough to get him into the top 5. A lot of people would agree he isn't even the best or most important player for either Italy or Chelsea either, and nobody else in either of those squads would be considered for top 10 in the past year or so except maybe Kante. Maybe he deserves top 5 for team achievements with club and country combined though, because the Ballon D'Or seems to be a lot about that.
Like Lampard? In your dreams.
Major respect for a Chelsea fan saying this
Carried by Kante at Chelsea, carried by Verratti at Italia NT
Not even top 5 in the Ballon d'or IMO
Not sure but I think I might have started this "Liverpool fans saying" I actually started going on and on about this before your last game started Basically I think your manager is too defensive and as a result too many teams will hold you to 0-0 I think you have the players to attack more, and the players to win the tittle, but until I see you lining up in a more attacking way I don't don't see enough goals Not saying this out of spite, I would love to see all the top 4 go all out attack in every EPL game
I actually liked the way he would set you up, like sure results did not go so well but the way he set up your team is how I would have done it
If it helps you sleep at night
Playing 8 defensive-minded players and still relying on magical saves from your keeper every week isn't sustainable. They show no signs of improvement attacking wise either. At least you know when we play poorly it's a one-off. City are the real worry still.
I rather Frank as manager do you think he could return?
Anti football at its finest. Tuchel is worse than Mourinho
Absolutely not. He had like three good CL games and a decent tournament with Italy but other than that he was average. If there's a Chelsea player that should be in the top 3 or 5 is Kante, but my guess is that Messi will win it, Jorginho in 2nd and Lewy 3rd.
he shouldnt and its a farce that he is
ballon dor? football standards dropped so low indeed
I hope you are watching this game, Thiago Silva is literally proving my point.
I have absolutely nothing against him. You just have a poor understanding of football or at least the football Chelsea play. In our defense, the system is more important than any individual. Our defensive system makes our defenders look better than they are. Obviously, they are talented, but they play in a system that would benefit a lot of defenders, particularly those who are decent technically. Rudiger was one of my favorite players in the 18/19 season. Was overall very decent and looked like he could have future captain material. The following season under Lampard, he was horrendous particularly from my pov in which I admired him as a defender myself. He was outperformed by Zouma every single instance he played, looking unsure, clumsy, sloppy with the ball, just everything. I remember Matt Doherty flossed him in a game against Wolves. Now, he is performing and so is Christensen, another maligned defender at the club in previous seasons. Point is, our system benefits our defenders excessively and makes them all look better than they actually are. But, for you to say Rudiger is so clear Laporte of means this is the end of our conversation as I have no wish to discuss anything with you again. I actually believe you watch matches but you seem to fail to comprehend them above mere face value.
Just shut up please he's not even the best CB in our team
People are way too much overreacting right now. He's playing his first great year and some guys are calling him one of the best defenders in the world. It's working very fine for him since Tuchel arrived, but his abilities are not that good people are telling at the moment.
And Chelsea fans claimed he was better than Dias lol. He gets exposed without a back-five and 3 CDMs in front of him
People were actually saying he's better than Hummels loool
Tuchel's team is more defensive than Mourinho's Chelsea
That's what happens when you can't time your runs.