
Still an argentinian chris wood until he proves himself in the prem. CS is a glorified friendly
You need education
You are actually the one drowning in politics. Where's I'm using logic, reason and science. Which again to call people who are native to this land "illegals". Is a racist statement because the people who genocided the natives at the time. The colonists. Were racist and did so on racial grounds. And thus living a life on the parameters they set through genocide and racism. Makes you racist by association. Because you are agreeing with their framework.
He placed a target on minorities plenty of times with his rhetoric and in particular targeted people like Pepi. By saying Mexicans are disproportionately Criminals. "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." That is factually incorrect. He knows this. Yet he still said it because the base he was targeting eats all the racism up because they are overall bigoted people.
Uhhh seems like someone doesn't know the statement. Here it is. "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." Now rather he was talking about anyother specific people that is an ignorant statement to paint them as majority criminals. A statement not supported by facts.
Lmfao. First of all you started out saying he was not talking about Mexicans specifically. Then as I corrected you. Now you're coming up with the most ridiculous defense ever. As again. Mexicans who are in the United States are not disproportionately criminals. That is an untrue statement and thus a racist one. As he tried to entice hate towards a specific group of people.
I used factual statements to form my opinion. You on the other hand were misinformed and then now seek to gaslight for whatever reason. On the case of a clear attack of a specific people for no reason then to garner the support of a racist base. Despite no factual evidence to support such statements. As if he was factual and made the point stating the vast majority were not bringing drugs, are not committing crime and are not rapist. But instead ordinary working class people that deserve to be viewed as individuals with respect and dignity. That wouldn't be what his base would like to here. Which is exactly why he did not say the truth but instead lied.
You said he did not specifically talk about Mexicans. He did. I corrected you with his own statement. Which means you were misinformed because you were inaccurate. Also again he said an un factual statement about a people to what? To cause unity? To explain? To what? To entice hate. Hate for a specific people. How that is not racist to you speaks to your lack of morals and humility.
Believe what you want to believe. I only repeated his statement word for word.
He lied and intended to incite hate for a specific people.
Mexicans in the states are not disproportionately criminals. That is a statement not grounded in any factual evidence. Hence lying because he intended to incite hate.
His statement is what makes it appear as if the population he is talking about is disproportionately criminals. Again. Read the statement and understand wtf he is saying. Only you are the one not understanding it Lmfao. "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." That statement categorizes the population of those people coming over as mostly criminals. How you do not understand this is beyond comprehension.
You're incapable of rational thought. He even said " and some I assume are good people". Meaning he doesn't even know if they're criminals like the others or not lol.
Lol, didn't know anyone actually had that name here.
I'm yelling timber
Also your wording to call indigenous people "illegal" in the Western hemisphere. makes you racist. Because you're living off the crimes of colonial, genocidal, racist Europeans from the 1700's and aligning yourself with them. When in reality we've been here for over 20 thousand years. Migrating all over the two continents.
Two points. Trump campaigned on a lie targeting Mexicans framing them as criminals above them being regular working class people like that was not factually accurate whatsoever. Yet he said so repeatedly because it's a Right Wing bull horn to target immigrants. This is what he said "They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people" right wingers did not disagree with him, nor correct him because again this aligns with their own feelings. As he wouldn't have campaigned saying things like this if it wasn't what his target demographic wanted to hear. Understand that. It was racist and turning a blind eye to it because one agrees with it. Makes them racist.
Here is the elected governor of Texas calling Native Americans like Pepi Illegal. Demeaning them because his ancestor decided to kill, murder, rob and disenfranchise millions of native americans like Pepi. That's again the proof I was talking about right wingers and how it is retarded for Pepi to play for a country still living a life created by racist colonialist centuries ago.
The differences between the two instances is that the Right has no problem whatsoever with it. Where's on the left. They do. That's the difference you're not admitting. As I stated and gave you examples. In neraly all cases right wingers go against POC people. Rather the statue debate. The illegal debate, the dreamers debate, the flag debate, racially inequality, language, Native-Colombus debate.
"Political Bullshit" Yea stewing racist sentiments. Being racist. is just "bs". Lol stop clowning.
Only one side has a problem with it tho. The other enjoys it and actually want mass deportation. Are you going to deny this?
No one said that. What I said was that they voted in a person who constantly said negative remarks and caged people including children of Pepi's origin. That is factual information. Whatever mental gymnastics you want to say will never be able to discount this. Nor your continued faild attempts of understanding of how I said either they don't care or they support it. Which are both negative. One cannot simply discount this without it being a negative on who they are as a person. Understand that.
He can do whatever he wants. I'm just saying it's dumb to play for a country that elected a leader who constantly degraded people like him. Be a teammate of the captain who supported such a candidate. And be from Texas. A state that voted for Trump and is against people like him. Also to many. He is an "anchor baby". You must've heard that. Yea a person with Native ancestry is an Anchor baby. But not the European who has been here for less than 500 years. That's the stupidity we are dealing with lol.
You see through nothing. I clearly explained how so called conservatives. Are not even conservatives anymore. Gave you examples and showed you proof of how their views tend to go against POC people and the marginalized. It is literally there. You are just close minded. Which is the reason why I laugh when you tell me to "broaden my perspective" because it is you who actually needs to broaden his perspective. Because again. Trump did not say the lies about Mexicans or do things like a Muslim Ban because of nothing. It was a representative of the views of his base. And that base supports racist views. Which thus makes the base racist.
The fact you're ignoring what I said says a lot about you. Also, Again. I was a conservative. You're not going to be able to tell me lies to my face when I've been paying attention.
Here is the elected governor of Texas calling Native Americans like Pepi Illegal. Demeaning them because his ancestor decided to kill, murder, rob and disenfranchise millions of native americans like Pepi. That's again the proof I was talking about right wingers and how it is retarded for Pepi to play for a country still living a life created by racist colonialist centuries ago. Lol but you want me to "broaden my perspective". What bs for real.😅🤦‍♂️
Also true conservativism is dead. The right is adding to the debt, the right is into theater now like the left always was. Flag issue, racial politics. They're into spending unnecessary money on the military industrial complex, use executive orders now and want to use the court like a weapon as the left does. It's over.
I was a conservative for over 6 years. Don't try to tell me majority are the Thomas Sowell type or ammendment activists. I mean we fking we're fighting over standing up for a Flag. If you are conservative. That wouldn't even be a talking point. But alas it was. Why? Tho? You know why.
1st of all. One of the reasons Trump campaigned with those sentiments. Is because that's what they know their targeted demographic is looking for. For instance If Trump would have campaigned on racial inequality and path ways to legal immigration. He would have never made it into the primaries. Let alone be the elected candidate. You know this. Also online. The more racist people tend to be on the right. You see it with the flag debate, with the illegal debate, with the statute debate and recently. With the Christopher Columbus debate. All in line with White ideologues and against POC and non racist white people.
Also. You're going to need to explain to me how in the Hell are people who are Native American genetically. Who have been here for over 20K years mind you. Can possibly be classified as "an Illegal immigrant " in the Western Hemisphere. Without supporting the racist ideologues of Colonialist? You do realize how stupid it looks to say "Ooo, well I'm not a colonizer. That was my ancestors. I don't support them". Then later say "illegal, illegal, illegal" to a person who is genetically Native American right?Like that is stupid asf and is the definition of a closeted racist who is one.Either consumed by racist ideologues or two. Ignores science and facts in an attempt to frame his or her own view of the World.
He said Mexico was not sending their best. And then went on a tirade that is not supported by any evidence whatsoever regarding the % of criminals. Typical of him, yes. Then talked about Building a wall "to keep them out". If you don't see how he was pressing on racist sentiments with those two statements he repeated throughout his campaign. I don't know what to tell you. It literally reads itself which was again one of the reasons the Alt right supported him. They supported him because of his racist stances and racist undertones.
It's like saying you supported Hitler for his economic policies not the terrorism. See how stupid that is? Basically, If you support someone. You therefore support all of who that person is and what his or her policies are. Either that or you don't care about the negative affects from some policies because it doesn't affect you personally. Which again is wrong and selfish.
Don't be purposely dense man. I was not comparing them. I was giving you an example that you cannot pick and choose from who you support. Without supporting who they are in total and what affects their policies have in total. It's not hard to understand lol.
Also His teammate. Pulisic. The Captain of the team is a Trump supporter. Which makes this even more relevant.
No one is obsessed with anyone. The point I was making was a valid one based on the fact that he was elected and a large amount of people voted for him this past election. With him constantly saying deeming remarks in relation towards people like Pepi. Especially so from his state, Texas. That Voted for Trump. Understand? Also this site is based on real life people. Real life people that are apart of our societies. Societies are very much so political. So yea.
Imagine being a conservative poc. Lmfao talk about being brainwashed.
Nah you retire at around the age of 65 in most countries. But in Greece it might be at 36, it could explain why your economy is made up by loans from EU.
Yeah I know, but it's been enough, they've played really bad for a few years back
It is not all his fault of that I am aware, but if a real coach came to the bench, he would take out those pieces that are still wrong
I really hope we lose today, and hopefully Koeman leaves the club
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk He is more talented than Vinicius Junior and looks at his potential.
If you think he should have 2 ratings higher than Mo Salah you need mental help bro. Mbappe is 100% no doubt an incredible player but no way he's better than Salah who's tearing the CL and The PL apart.. Mbappe should be 90 and Salah 91 because Salah plays in a much harder league and performs just as well as Mbappe in the CL. Salah is also a little bit more consistent too. If you disagree it's fine but bring in the arguments because I did.
hahaha its a song bro chill I didn't wright this
Dear Messi, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have a chance I ain't mad, I just think it's fucked up you don't answer fans If you didn't wanna talk to me outside your game You didn't have to, but you coulda signed an autograph for Matthew That's my little brother man, he's only six years old We waited in the blistering cold for you For four hours and you just said, "No." That's pretty shitty man, you're like his fuckin' idol He wants to be just like you man, he likes you more than I do I ain't that mad though, I just don't like bein' lied to Remember when we met in Denver, you said if I'd write you you would write back See I'm just like you in a way I never knew my father neither He used to always cheat on my mom and beat her I can relate to what you're saying in your games So when I have a shitty day, I drift away and put 'em on 'Cause I don't really got shit else so that shit helps when I'm depressed I even got a tattoo of your name across the chest Sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me See everything you say is real, and I respect you 'cause you tell it My girlfriend's jealous 'cause I talk about you 24/7 But she don't know you like I know you Messi, no one does She don't know what it was like for people like us growin' up, you gotta call me man I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose Sincerely yours, Stan P.S. we should be together too
yea because Newcastle is a big club just because it has money doesn't make it good there coming 19 in the Pl Lol
Barca > Liverpool
Nah. Just dumb asf to see from the outside looking in. Especially as I said bc he's from Texas and Texas is MAGA country. Just look at their ******** Covid Vaccine Policy this week. Only Trump supporters still have hate for Covid.
How in the hell does a POC play for a country that elected a racist like Trump and is from Texas of all places.? Freaking weird lmfao.
Liverpool fans on Chelsea page right now:
Ronaldo is better than Firmino in every aspect
he played like 4 full games LOL
avatar Congrats Pedu on breaking the record against taxi driver and baker Congrats Pedu for successful pens, I don't care you were shit all match Congrats Pedu on winning PL PotM with 4 goals - 4 straight shots to GK, I don't care that Salah's goal is better than any of your career's goal. My man is the best PR merchant Thank you Pedu for teaching me geography And thank you every time I hear 'Si' after a meaningless goal I go to toilet and and take a **** easily GOAT
Why would we sell Pedri he was just named one of the youngest players ever on the Ballon d'Or shortlist top 30 in the world this year a future world Beater even we're not stupid enough to sell one of the future best for anyone let alone lackluster mid level players like Wirtz or Bellingham
he and Matip need downgrades from their '22 starting ratings
Neco Williams 75+ pot, who is this guy blud???😭😭😭😭
L bozo
Your club still employs Penderson pal
Are you gay? Yes.
ratioed with ease sadly