
Japan would have won WW2 if Endo was on their posters.
You employ Antony 😭😭😭😭😭
Not sure how we could do much better than Rodrygo, lol.
"it’s coming home "
Doesn't deserve a second chance and fuck all who disagree
stupid kids don't rape woman, stupid kids play in dirt and fuck up their kneecaps once a week. STFU
Do people not understand what "second chance" means. Second chances are effective only if the person is punished for the original crime because punishment serves as a deterrent, reinforces accountability, and emphasizes the seriousness of the offense. Without consequences, there's no motivation for genuine change or understanding of the wrongdoing, which undermines the potential for reform and increases the risk of repeated offenses. Greenwood has not been punished. Playing for a top division la liga side for more money than anyone in this site will ever make instead of playing for man united is not a punishment. It's just moving him out of the spotlight to let it blow over.
There was a system to protect Greenwoods girlfriend from him contacting her, but he was repeatedly allowed to violate these precautions without any backlash.
No it does not.
He was not proven anything, the charges were dismissed due to lack of cooperation from witnesses
The british justice is dogshit in rape cases, everything gets called hersay even when there is evidence. It's a serious problem there
He was proven guilty.
even antony is better than leao
I hate that some people on here act like he made an "honest mistake," like the hell. Rapists do not deserve a second chance and that audio was sickening
Rape at mistake wtf 💀💀
He's a rapist tho
Odegaard, quickly take a picture of that sight!
They've actually done it. They've only gone and won the First Look at the 24/25 PL Table trophy, lads.
Branthwaite not even on the plane. It may not be coming home
Congratulations on your "clubs providing evidence against Manchester City" trophy. Arteta has really revived Arsenal to their former Glory. COYG!!!!
Oh yeah, Liverpool the only club that actually competed with City in past 6 years, is definitely trying to defend City. Since when does not having (and submitting) evidence mean supporting the opposition? Do they even teach logic and logical fallacies in England?
avatar This pic goes hard feel free to screenshot
Genuinely baffles me how Quansah and Branthwaite didn’t make the team. Sure, it’s only one season in the Prem, but both are such talented players. Tell me why Mainoo and Wharton can get in after half a season but Quansah and Branthwaite can’t? Also, Gomez is for sure going to get a goal with England before he gets one here. Not sure why, but I just know it.
It'll be unpopular with fans but if you listen to any of the players, especially other goalkeepers, he's considered to be a very important member of the squad from an experience and guidance POV. It's like how all the Liverpool staff and players still talk about the importance of players like Milner and Lallana had to the group despite not being regular players. Musialowski & Frauendorf are the most disappointing tbh, had great hopes for both of them, hopefully they make it somewhere else.
It's an offer, it doesn't mean he'll accept it. But if he does accept it you should thank Michael Edwards for securing a 3rd choice goalkeeper that's integrated with the team already and is valued by players and staff alike.
Vile vile club i cant wait for that day. Wont be long now
The day I see Man City dutifully punished will be a glorious day
Imagine winning 6/7 of the last Premier League titles and then having the audacity to claim that the rules they are operating under are unfair because they can't spend whatever they like. They have no shame and calling them rotten to the core is still, somehow, underselling it.
These developments are in essence an admission that they are guilty of cheating and stealing titles from other teams. They have no lows they won't go to, now they want to counter sue. That club is rotten to the core.
Well this is a deliberate move, calculated with some result in sight, so I don't think they are shitting themselves. I say they are using this legal challenge, regardless of the result, to help frame their response to the 115 charges in November.
Manchester City suing the Premier League because of associated party transaction (APT) rules is wild. Manchester City claiming that they are the victims of a campaign of discrimination is wild. Manchester City claiming that they should be allowed to self regulate their own financial incomings and outgoings is wild. Manchester City essentially starting a civil war within the Premier League against the tyranny of majority rules is wild. But don't forget.... They are totally innocent of all 115 charges and this story conveniently drops on the same day that a 6 week hearing is scheduled at the start of November 2024 into said 115 charges. Normal reaction, no distraction or diversion here, especially from a completely innocent Manchester City.
It's really not tbf, the closest issue with that really is Thiago while Edwards was here, but that was the signing that sealed Edwards' exit, so I'm not sure you could count it. We won't know about any signings while Hughes is in charge of them, as has been said, 100%
Do people not remember what it was like under Edwards? Transfers wouldn’t drop until like a picture of them holding a shirt surfaced. Of course it’s going to be quiet
Bvb player gets booked for decent few moments later vini does the same thing no card...
Nothing but respect for players like Kroos, Modric etc but seeing dickheads like Vini happy will always upset me. He is unbearable!
You're taking this surprisingly chill i would be fuming😭
and why do you feel the need to post this on the liverpool page, where you'll be absolutely cooked for your little to no understanding of the game? you could have at least had the decency to post this on your own team's page where your trash ass opinions will be praised by your fellow liverpool haters. low IQ move ngl.
in that game only courtois saved your ass clown
”Ngl Borussia gave us a lot more work than Liverpool”
“Unproven”, “can’t judge” Flop implies that they played and didn’t perform. How can you judge someone based on a factor that isn’t their fault/to do with their footballing abilities?
is anyone getting deja vu reading this?
No he isn't. Bakayoko will be twice the player by the time hes his age
Not a hope in hell Liverpool will sign Olise. Talented player but way too expensive for how Edwards & Co tend to operate (just get used to how it was 3-4 years ago), he's not that player like Van Dijk or Alisson that takes you to the next level. Crystal Palace will want £70m+ for him and the only teams that'll pay that amount of money for him would be United (Ratcliffe's pet project along with Branthwaite) or Chelsea. Also just as an aside, if Olise is over performing statistically now then you absolutely need to look at his numbers long term and how they breakdown season by season because typically over performance is unsustainable and can't be scaled upwards, whereas underperforming can be scaled upwards and improved upon, which is why Liverpool don't tend to sign attacking players that are over performing, different story for defenders/goalkeepers. There's other issues as well in terms of style and system structure between what Glasner does at Palace and what Slot will do at Liverpool that'll influence how effective a player like Olise is in each system and formation. Glasner puts little to no emphasis on Olise to defend, whereas we know that Slot will want his team to press, it's a small difference but it changes the types of opportunities that become available to each team/player which shows up in the data. Just don't be lulled into placing Olise on a pedestal.
This is the man who dominated for half a season and then has been wank for the other half. Horrid link, literally a more boring Darwin Nunez
Not good enough
Guess we will get more new polish gks
I have a job, it's why I've not been on as much recently whereas there's you on here frequently spamming twitter links and defending rapists so maybe take your own advice Also it's really not that difficult to take a screenshot which automatically gets saved in a folder when I do so and post it so calling me a psychopath is crazy especially when you're the one out here saying Greenwood redeemed himself (what could he even do that would ever redeem him) and minimising the fact he beat and raped his girlfriend You didn't really think you could block me to prevent people from seeing what a degenerate piece of human scum you are did you? Crazy how you support Liverpool with those morals out here defending a United player being an abuser, don't reckon this club is for you chief
I just got off the phone with john henry i told him how it is, he said that he'll personally step in to stop the transfer👍
43% ground duels won in the Portuguese league no less no thanks.
Greenwood hasn't redeemed himself. He hasn't publicly admitted and apologised for his actions, he paid off the victim's family to drop the charges, he never actually got proven in the court of law as innocent. Her going back to him and even having a child together means nothing, she's probably in the relationship purely for the money, its fucked up altogether.
Alan Varela to Liverpool! Here we go! Reports coming out of New Delhi have confirmed the Argentine midfielder will join the reds for an undisclosed fee. 5 year contract on the table, negotiations progressing quickly. Edwards and Hughes known to be big fans of the player after taking a deep look into his 43% ground duel win percentage. Rumors say Arne Slot pushed for the player after becoming envious of his silky black hair!
No one mentioned form though, he’s class, he’s just never available
I love him to bits, he is incredibly talented, one of the best players against Real three years ago already. But he is too injury prone and does not even fit us stylistically. 55 sounds kind of cheap to me but I'd, with a heavy heart, be willing to sell him too tbh But if he stays, I'll be happy too. He still can prove a lot, yeah he is not probably gonna be pinging balls 60 metres right into winger's feet, but he can develop as well. There were times he was already more than good enough to be a starter
With Mainz he failed to gain promotion twice in a row, so he felt some disappointment. With Dortmund as well, he didn't win as much as he wanted, plus he left them in a UEL place. With us, well, he left us in a very good position, sky is the limit for the team he left and he left us in UCL. Huge difference, he's more content with what he achieved here as well
Kelleher is as good as gone this summer. Feels like he's done his time as a No.2 and is ready to be a No.1. Wish him well wherever he ends up.
'Diaz has been completely rubbish' Holy fuck lmfao, people will say anything for upvotes.
We're in legacy territory with Salah, he's got 3-4 years left in European football where he'll feel like he can still make a difference and perform, if he goes to Saudi Arabia now he'll know he's leaving too early. I say he'll sign a 2 year extension.
His numbers can definitely improve on last season, although the numbers he put up then are still amazing for a forward. I think the worry with him is we've (rightly) put him on a pedestal for so long now that we overlook those numbers! He's infuriating at times I get that, but he's also invaluable to us because of his contributions. We would 100% miss that if he wasn't here.
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