
3 years of Arsenal fans mocking Havertz at Chelsea. And don't tell me "that's not true" when every Chelsea fan on here can vouch for the Havertz memes. He's yours now.
He plays nothing like De Jong
So this is what Belgians do when they're on their period
I think you're being too harsh. Moukoko still has promise he's only 18, and they still have decent young players all around. Thiaw is not bad, Armel Bella-Kotchap also has promise even though he got relegated, and I personally think Tom Bischof is very good although that's in their best position. I agree they are unlikely to be a top 5 nation soon, but I think they will definitely be top 15 and can crack top 10
his family might need the money. let him secure the bag. if he didnt go to qatar he mightn't have enough to live comfortably once he retires. still a shame such a talent was lost, but blame the qataris, not him
Flag check
Fairs tbh I say football too when I’m not in the states 🤝
Well obviously he's an american residing in Qatar so I don't think your insult is really aimed at him.
Being prem proven doesn’t win you world cups…
not mine
There's a good chance Balogan ends up being the best US striker we've had. And I really don't think I'm being dramatic there. He is simply involved in everything
You really don't know much.
I don't pay $150 a year to watch games that are at the same time as other games I pay for
I genuinely am not much of a fan of Lukaku because I think his playstyle had inherent weaknesses that made him a bit overrated even when he was peaking, but I wish he'd scored a screamer to shut up the boring racists and other trolls here.
Who cares? It’s online. Those people have nothing better to do.
I really do feel bad for him. The first chance was dimarco fault, you don't head the ball down and you can't blame lukaku for that. Second chance, yeah it would have been a goal if lukaku had headed the ball better but you also have to praise ederson positioning there. This match, lukaku played better than Haaland, definitely. But I do know that Lukaku will be the scapegoat for their loss, like always.
Exactly. He wants to play in Miami. He’s owned a condo there for years and has spent every summer there with his family. If he wanted to be somewhere else he would be.
Yeah, I have years in my eyes
Its fun to see all those Ronaldo fanboys getting here together trying to prove that Messi is worse than Ronaldo. Thanks to that we can see that Ronaldo fans are mostly 13yo with IQ below average
He has won everything so he’s moving closer to his home country while boosting US football. Ain’t nothing wrong with that. Thanks for everything Leo 🙏🏼
Yeah it’s crazy, Messi achieved more in a shorter time frame 💯
bro has been to every single place in the US
Also, WC winner and best player of the tournament lol go home babe
Whats the point of a soon 36 year old Messi going to Barca now? He won everything, even in one season, for you. He had his peak and so forth in your club. Now hes on decline, mentally satisfied and physically slower, less mobility and so on. Why not get a couple good years in USA, lower level, closer to his family, then finish it off, perhaps on a loan to Barca or a 6 month contract as Beckham did in PSG. If Messi feels this made more sense than Barca, i think its right, and him then going Barca playing less good would be just sad
Great soccer player
Get a new insults you Euros recycle that same non true insult. All the fat people I see in the EPL stands on TV.
215 we out here
I don’t like players being called bottlers. I understand teams but not players
How is it lucky when you win games to stay up?
What a useless and foolish comment
The fact that this comment also got dislike spammed means that I'm right
There are more soccer fans in the US than there are people in the republic of ireland nationality is irrelevant
While I think the Newcastle ownership is a disgrace, I think it’s kinda lame that people are bringing stuff like this up now that Newcastle have basically secured top 4. https://twitter.com/jamesallcott/status/1659503170354135040?s=46&t=jBnScdl5TDDvtiTUKQjmhg
I have a screenshot of a certain biased Bayern fan by the name of Pascal with a frankly shit take that I cannot wait to post
Honestly don't understand our fanbase sometimes. Like which CDM could we possibly get that would be an upgrade over Can, he is a German international, knows the club well + performs well, has come out of his hole by hard work and is respected among his teammates for his commitment and experience. Yet people scream for a Eredivisie player that is rated as "foul machine" and "average at best" by his own fans. Not saying they're completely right, but he doesn't have his best season and would be one of the most expensive signings in our club history.
Bold claim to make about a team you lost 4 times to in '23
In Europe some ( Some Brits especially ) have this pompous attitude that being born on the continent means you inherit some of “football” superiority by default. Nothing is handed out by default, everything about the game is learned along the way
I think I speak for all of the Gooners when I say shut the fuck up no one cares
Its our model and how we grew... we buy, develop and sell them. If we wouldnt do that, they wouldnt play for us in the first place. To be quite honest there are maybe 5-8 clubs in europe that are in the elite because of their ressources or the amount of debt they are allowed to amount lol. We are already just a notch below them. And with fair budgetting and spending you could never get to the level of those clubs. We would have to sell our soul for that. Maybe there will be years when we do many things right and can compete with the big boys 1-2 seasons. But id rather support us in our stage now than seeing us selling out.
Vivell and Winstanley were hired and were leading the transfers in January. In the summer he didn't have a lot of time, but it's pretty obvious he made Tuchel act as sporting director in the summer (which probably ended up souring their relationship) I'm no defender of Boehly but it wasn't quite as bad as you're making it out to be.
You could say this but he probably would’ve flopped under this team
I don't understand the hate this team is having. Reynolds is not Welsh, so what? Are the sheiks, Glazers, Boehly, etc English? They're using their influence to spread the word via social media, just like any other club? Was not the supercup (Spanish) final in Qatar or some shit? And plastic fans, every club has. CR7 and Messi fans have supported and followed whichever team they go. Eventually some stick around. It's good for the club, it's good for the city and for it's businesses. Just stop with all the hate, and let the lads be happy and spend their money on whatever they want
Or an interesting project with likable owners who have invested well in the club and yielding obvious results.
hating on this club might as well be just as cringe as being a fan at this point
When he is actually available to play with no injuries he is definitly better than Martinelli, but yeah that was some time ago
Fair play, you're a decent team these days. Would probably reach the Euro quarter-finals if you were a UEFA nation.
scoreline same as british people’s top two teeth. [] []
America... fuck yeah... all the rest of europe are with you tonight🦅
Yeah but He stayed. He chose Love and Loyalty over Money and Glory, and I Respect him for that.
bro is jack of no trades
Your biggest impact for the world is ikea don't speak